#I'm probably going to make Ferretclaw the mate she leaves since I just found Billowcloud to use for Yarrowleaf
bonefall · 8 months
Do you have plans for Spiderfoot in this? I searching him on your blog and he didn’t come up which I find sad because I love him to bits. He may be exclusive to field guides but he exists by the lake. I just love the little guy and how he had to eventually realize that clan life just wasn’t for him, likely in a very hard way.
I REALLY like Spiderfoot, too. Besides the fact that she has been blasted with the Woman Beam though, I'm kind of waffling on where to go with her.
The idea of a very anxious, battle-averse cat being in ShadowClan would be a lot of fun to play with, and Ripple/Buster is already going off to be a kittypet. But at the same time, her going off to become a kittypet works so nicely; that Clan life's not for her and she eventually finds happiness elsewhere.
It would be so nice to have a particularly anxious character in ShadowClan though, it's such a unique characterization.
So I'm planning that she eventually goes to the railway that Tigerheart eventually uses to find Dovewing, like a quick cameo and also to help her catch the right train. I also want her to leave behind two young kits in ShadowClan for spice + genetic diversity. Deadbeat mom representation lmao
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