#Jk about the JJu thing btw he'll always be friends with Tina and Zeke and a part of their lives
dreamboundedstar · 1 year
Linda: But trying to make people think you're cool is exhausting. And when you stop trying, suddenly the next person you talk to thinks you're the best person ever.
Cue the time-passing montage of Tina learning to let go of that embarrassing moment and stop trying to be cool. Most of the time it's with her family, at the restaurant, or by herself just investing herself in her favorite music again. However, there's this one frame I'm convinced has subtle symbolism!
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The only time Zeke appears in the episode and it's to be in front of Tina while she looks out the window still sad from the event. Due to how this scene was set up it really looks like it's implying that Zeke is one of those that would think Tina is "the best person ever". However, Tina is too busy being sad to notice what's already in front of her. I mean, the window perfectly frames Zeke in (and sweet Susmita gets her moment too, even if it's just her hair and some of her skin) when they literally could have done whatever they wanted and changed the character in the seat in front of Tina. Heck, Tina could have been in the last seat and further symbolize the loneliness/self-pity Tina is feeling. It's possible they just wanted to stick with accurate continuity and have Tina, Zeke, Susmita, and the rest be in the same seating arrangements as they were in "Cheaty Cheaty Bang Bang". For continuity reasons or not, I still take it as symbolism that Zeke already thinks Tina is the coolest person ever and Tina just needs to really look around her to realize it. The subtext I tell ya!
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