#Map and Flag Brain Teaser
vtmusicomp · 5 years
Dear Derrick Johnson,
I’m still not ready to revisit that crazy time after Grant’s first surgery. Plus, it’s football season so it makes sense to do this next set of posts. I’ll do multiple installments because if I tried to cram it all into one it would be too much.
It really all started with a statement Connie made that day after Dr. Pikul finished telling us about Grant’s surgery. Connie mentioned Grant’s story should be shared with the Chiefs, that they would want to hear about him getting through the surgery by talking about his favorite team. Coincidentally, 2017 was the San Diego Chargers’ first year as the new Los Angeles Chargers, and that meant the Chiefs were guaranteed to play here every year. I checked the schedule, and their first LA match up was going down on 9/24/17. Teaser shot number one.
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June was an in-between month. Grant had finished radiation and was pumping himself up to go back to work. Things had sort of calmed down, and I was feeling less fragile and more up to thinking about our situation. I never forgot what Connie said, and I started focusing myself on creating meaningful experiences for Grant and the kids (and me, too, but for this event in particular I felt like the kids were more important). It took me a while to psych myself up to writing the letter. I wrote probably ten different versions and edited that thing to death. I tried to leverage everything about our family that would get a foot in the door. When it was done, I sent it to Colin for final edits and to get his take on it. He added some important information and blessed it, and we both agreed the more people we could get it to the better.
We launched a dual offensive approach. Colin sent scanned copies to Denny W, Mindy W, Ryan E, Maria V H, and County Executive Frank White. Colin went the extra step with a cover letter for the copy he sent to Sam Mellinger at the KC Star. Julie and Paul took the letter and engineered some behind-the-scenes machinations to help our cause (more on that in the next installment). I sent physical copies - on high quality paper because you know, that kind of thing matters! - to the Chiefs organization: Chairman and CEO Clark Hunt, General Manager John Dorsey, Head Coach Andy Reid, Director of Foundation and Civic Affairs Anne Scharf, Marketing and Foundation Coordinator Jackson DeLay, the Eric Berry Foundation, Eric Berry, and Grant’s favorite player Derrick Johnson. Each person in the Chiefs organization got a personalized letter. John Dorsey was let go literally on the day I put these in the mail. Jeff M put it in the hands of a PR rep for a retired NFL QB who played for the Chiefs in the ‘99 and ‘00 seasons. Teaser shot number two.
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Now, you know I have a gallery’s worth of images on Facebook. I’ll add the images the Chiefs photographer took of us in the next few posts. Here’s the letter, and the collage that accompanied it. I defy you to look at that collage and NOT be moved.
June 22, 2017
To: Derrick Johnson
Kansas City Chiefs
One Arrowhead Drive
Kansas City, MO 64129
 Re:  Request for Consideration
Dear Mr. Johnson,
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. My fiancé Grant Stoner is from Independence, MO and is a lifelong, diehard Kansas City Chiefs fan. You are his favorite Chiefs player and he does own one of your official NFL jerseys. His son Wyatt (11) and daughter Naomi (9), both born in Los Angeles, are also Chiefs fans first and maaaaaybe Rams fans (we’ll see), along with their Aunt Kim Stoner who also lives here. I love my Niners but have adopted the Chiefs as my AFC team due to a pair of QBs… The rest of his family – parents Larry and Connie Stoner, brother Colin Stoner and sister Julie Musgrove - live in Kansas City and have season tickets for games at Arrowhead Stadium.
 Let me tell you Grant’s story. In January of this year, with no warning at all we found three tumors in his brain – one the size of a small tangerine and two smaller satellite tumors. He had surgery on 1/27/17 to remove the big one from the section of your brain that affects memory and cognition. This was Awake Brain Surgery; the neurosurgeon asks questions during the procedure to map what can be removed and what cannot be touched. Dr. Pikul told us that for the first ten minutes Grant wouldn’t respond to their prompts and they thought they were going to have to stop the surgery. But, Dr. Pikul kept trying and asked him about football. That got Grant going – he started talking about the Chiefs, and through that question and answer session they were able to identify and remove 90% of the large tumor, well above what they thought they could get going in. Pathology revealed that he has grade 4 GBM multiforme, the most aggressive brain cancer there is.
 Grant recently completed an intensive round of radiation and is taking chemotherapy drugs to kill the two remaining satellite tumors. These are both in areas that cannot be reached through surgery. He is doing better than projected and has slowly begun to reintegrate himself into his former life. He does not have 100% of his memory back but has worked very hard to go back to work and move forward. He’s watched with pride as his son Wyatt turned into a talented wide out in the NFL Play 60 Flag LA league. In a happy twist of fate, this year Wyatt’s flag football team is the Chiefs.
 Grant has defied all the odds so far with his recovery and could very well continue to defy them for years to come. Yet, I know what it is to lose a parent at a young age – my mother passed away from cancer when I was 7 years old. It is critical for his children to have as many experiences possible with their Dad to balance against the hospital stay. Grant has always admired your determination and focus; he strives to emulate your work ethic to overcome injury and return to your position as a key element to the Chiefs defense. Grant was also proud of the way the Chiefs organization supported your teammate Eric Berry through his lymphoma diagnosis. He came back to peak form and triumphed on the field; Grant would love to share with him how much of an inspiration he is to someone struggling with a parallel disease. What I am requesting is for Grant and his family (his brother Colin Stoner is flying out from KC as well) to have a meet and greet with you, Eric Berry and the team when you come to play the Chargers on 9/24/17. We are excited to attend the game as a family and will represent the Chiefs’ fan base with honor.
 Please take this letter as a sign that your organization means a great deal to people all over the country and the world. Grant has stayed the committed fan he’s always been through all the ups and downs. As you can see in the photos I’ve included he took comfort in the team even while battling it out in the hospital. He’s an incredible father, a great man, the best life-partner anyone could want, and so utterly deserving of being granted this request. He would be grateful beyond measure for this moment and his children will carry it with them forever.
 Again, thank you for taking the time and for your consideration. I hope to hear from you soon – my phone number is __________ and my email address is _______.
 With love,
Valerie Taylor Grant Stoner Wyatt Stoner Naomi Stoner
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P.S.: Wyatt and Naomi are not, nor will they ever be Rams fans - in hindsight I wish I could take that line back. Their NFC West allegiance belongs to me!
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