#Me: savin the meme bc I love it I legit love it it's so fuckin
danteinthedevildom · 3 years
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I'm not great with words and I've been trying to figure out how to tell you much I love not just your headcanons, but your in-depth analysis and all your details. I could spend hours reading through your stuff because it's just that immaculate 💜
Ok so I saw this in my asks when you sent it but I wasn't feelin great so I wanted to save it for when I felt better bc A) holy shit this is my favourite meme of all time and B) y'all made a meme for me and that's got me like
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I'm glad you're likin everythin!! That legit's got me so damn happy I'm like happy stimmin again and a lil speechless bc rlly my brain's just goin "AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! :D". But tbh like!! Analysis stuff's always been smthn I love, and there's a bunch of lil details Solmare puts into Obey Me that are so worth pointin out and goin over, and writin it all up's so much fun and just feels so good doin, I'm glad ppl're likin readin it as much as I am writin it, y'know?
(But also callin it immaculate's got me like /)///w\\\(\ like I'm so damn glad it's not a slog to read through bc I KNOW I can write a lot asdfg)
Also! I've seen some of your tags and like, ok, if you wanna go through and reblog stuff like hella, pls do, just fuckin spam my notifs I'm gucci for it and I hella wanna see your thots too!! (And yea I do check all the tags on reblogs!! A lil bc I just like seein what ppl've got to say and a lil bc sometimes ppl leave real cool thots/additions in the tags that I love readin!)
But also if you've got thots and stuff to share... I can't do eyes emoji on laptop but like imagine I'm doin eyes emoji. I'm p. sure you wrote that in some tags before and I've been thinkin abt it ever since.
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