#Orgemon X
proxylynn · 1 year
Which digimon would Bob own?
Bob: Another weird monster thing?
Lynsie: It's fine. You only need to pick 3 this time. *shows list of 1,450 Digimon*
Bob: Wow...These are way more...
Lynsie: Brutal?
Bob: Yeah.
Lynsie: Ain't it cool?!
Bob: Killer. *thinking* I like that one, Aegiochusmon: Dark. Oh! Orgemon X-Antibody is good too!
Lynsie: What about Burgamon Adult and Beelzemon the Sin Lord of Gluttony?
Bob: Woman, don't type me so basically. I have a much better third choice. Bacchusmon.
Lynsie: ...Perfect!
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swiftly-sweetheart · 3 years
Hey! So since we've now "seen" Mugendramon, and the fact that Devimon had two evolutions how do you think the portraits of the Dark Masters, even Myotismon and Etemon will "change"? Also the fact that DarkKightmon probably has Moonmillenniummon on his hands might be an indication of the final boss
Oof, sorry this took me too long. But seriously though, an ask?! Yay! Don't think I ever had one of those before. I love writing about my thoughts and theories and I do have a few ideas for the villains so here they are...
Etemon: Honestly, I don't think he would be a big threat in this anime, I don't even think he will show up at all. If he does, it probably will just be for one episode since he was only a threat in the OG because none of the digidestined digimon went to Ultimate yet
Myotismon: I can't think of Tailmon's development not including Myotismon. He played a pretty big part of it if you think of it, and I do find it interesting if Tailmon is working for him undercover; as in she is helping the digidestined with Myotismon but still sort of being loyal to him. Seeing the pattern with villains and evolution so far, I won't be surprised if he digivolves into Mega, I mean it happened in the OG, most likely will happen again. And with all of these new digimon's they are making for the series (Nidhoggmon, DoneDevimon, people are even theorizing that Orgemon will come back as newly created Rebillimon) I can totally see them making a new mega digimon for Myotismon other than VenomMyotismon or MaloMyotismon. For Ultimate level Myotismon, I want Angewomon to defeat him, but considering that my hopes for Angemon defeating Devimon vanished since Angemon didn't defeat Devimon and that I need to remember that this is a reboot and everything isn't the same, then she might not be the one.
DarkKnightmon: Unless DarkKnightmon somehow evolves into DarknessBagramon (with or without Bagramon) or some new mega the creators will create, then I don't think DarkKnightmon will be the main final villain, but I do see him as the next big threat. I think that he will kind of take over Devimon's plans since he was defeated; kind of like Kabuto and Orochimaru in Naruto. He would use Moon=Millenniumon to help him and other's evolution and continue this new evolution Devimon wants. He might also try to continue corrupting Patamon because of course they wouldn't be getting a break. For whoever defeats him, I do wish it will be Angemon because I really like Angemon, but apparently Hikari will be joining Taichi, Yamato and Takeru in the digital world so maybe she and Tailmon/Angewomon would finish the job.
Dark Masters: In this, I think every Dark Master is going to be an bigger threat, like two or three episodes to defeat, and they all are going to evolve into an even stronger mega. For Machinedramon, if he doesn't evolve, then I want WarGreymon to be the one who defeats him (probably will) like in the OG. But this time, I don't want him to lose in 2 second and they actually have a long full-fledged fight. I didn't really care for it until I watched this week's episode. It's just kind of perfect considering that MetalGreymon was almost Machinedramon and then he almost became WarGreymon right after. And it would be interesting if Agumon/Taichi have some sort of tension between him. For Piedmon, I want him to go the same way he did in the OG with HolyAngemon, but I need to remember that it might probably won't happen because this is a reboot and things will be different. I haven't put much thought on what I want for MetalSeadramon or Puppetmon yet, but I do hope they do Puppetmon good since he is my all time favourite Dark Master.
Moon=Millenniumon/Millenniumon/ZeedMillenniumon: I want it to kind of 'replace' Apocalymon in this. Maybe, out of nowhere, Moon=Millenniumon just goes crazy after the Dark Master's are defeated, and all of a sudden ever digimon turns evil and evolves evily. And then to destroy it, they have to go find Millenniumon and defeat him and once they do, he evolves into ZeedMillenniumon. And then the same things happens with Apocalymon, like they all lose hope and then they remember who they are and we have Omnimon, or Omegamon Alter-S, or Merciful Mode, or the X-antibody or any Omnimon clone to defeat him but with the others helping. Or something/nothing like that (I just went randmon/crazy with this theory lol)
Uh, so that's everything I think will happen to the villains that will hopefully end up being new villains, at least for now it's everything. I am sorry if this was too much, lol. And thank you for this ask btw, I really loved writing this
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