artforinfinity · 14 days
I color coded them and you can't do anything about it :]
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Reblogs appreciated <3
Elaborations for my color choices under the cut!
Siffrin, grey: ok this is probably the color choice with the least amount of meaning. One pattern in particular that I have noticed within the fandom is that with headcanon colored designs for the cast Sif always manages to still be in black and white. I, like a normal person, find this to be hilarious. You give these characters wonderful new pallets except poor Siffrin who remains in the emo dimension, brilliant. Keep doing this.
Mirabelle, pink: I love Mirabelle so so much of my gyoddd. I chose pink (plus my heart motif) for two reasons.
1. I like pink and I like lovecore
2. I like characters whose designs contradict their personalities in small ways
As a feminine aroace person myself I really really resonate and see myself in Mirabelle, like to a sort of crazy degree. So why not take her feminine traits and amp them up a bit? Why not allow myself to relate to her more? I can have fun around here! Also she is incredibly magical girl coded to me and she is technically the leader of the group so pink was just the only possible choice I could make.
Isabeau, mint/teal: so Isabeau is such a ginger to me. There is no other possibility in my mind this man is GINGER. And I associate orange with teal colors because that color combo goes crazy hard, so bam! Teal Isa was born! Also I think the color fits well as he is the most masculine character in the party.
Bonnie, orange/tan: this one is simply due to the fact that I associate both childhood and cooking with sepia tones. Do not ask me why, I couldn't explain if I tried. Also I gave them some freckles bc they deserve them.
Odile, purple: MY BELOVED ODILE!! Ok this one has a few reasons. Besides Sif her pallete is the most muted of the bunch signifying both her age and the fact that she is not from Vaugarde. I associate purple with magic, maturity, regalness, and gemstones which are all things that fit Odile well. I've shown off this coloring choice in the drawing I made for her birthday, actually, which is the piece that inspired this whole color coding ordeal anyway.
Btw Loop is red (🙂), Euphrasie is yellow (gold, high ranking in the House), and The King is blue (sadness, memory)
Anyways thanks for sitting through all that have your bonus
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It's midnight I'm tired
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