#THE RANT'S NOT OVER BOISSSSS (gender neutral)
rurus-kadoo · 1 year
BOOM Goes the TNT and TNT and TNT and BOOM Goes the TNT and They ain't got the drop on me BOOM Goes the TNT and TNT and TNT and BOOM Goes the TNT
And on my last life I run over to the BEST castle (It's not even very good) In an echoey Red Life voice I tell them they're all doomed! Tchhhhh Goes the TNT as I place it all around Lava near, oh me oh my... I'm Yellow Life
BOOM! Trav'lin' round with the enchanter Goin' up a water stream Left my hydration crystal behind Only bubbles hear my scream! Tchhhhh Go my items, falling ever slowly down No one near but me on my... On my last life!
BOOM Goes the TNT and TNT and TNT and BOOM Goes the TNT and Now I got the drop on Bdubs BOOM Goes the TNT and TNT and TNT and BOOM Goes the TNT
And WHAM! BLAM! Goes the cannon they're firing at my house And WHOOM! KABOOM! They miss and kill my crops instead But FWIP! SPLAT! Another Red Life joins the crew! You'll never guess what he dropped or what we'll do!
BOOM Goes the TNT and TNT and TNT and BOOM Goes the TNT and No one gets the drop on me BOOM Goes the TNT and TNT and TNT and BOOM Goes the TNT and TNT and TNT and BOOM
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