#There's keeping minors out of adult spaces and then there's acting like a Christian mom opposing comprehensive sex ed
many-bees · 9 months
I always wonder how the "any minor seeing any nsfw stuff at all is pedophilia" people feel about the fact that teens do in fact have sex with each other
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Is Cuties REALLY that bad?
Y’all saw me. I defended this a few weeks ago when first glimpses came out. I said “we havn’t seen any of it yet so we cant condemn it!”
Its out now so I watched it.
Is it REALLY that bad?
I made it 28 minutes into the film. I can not watch more.
In the first half an hour we had multiple pans of YOUNG GIRLS bodies as they moved and “danced” sexually but what made me shut it down? In LESS than half an hour the movie explicitly shows a PREPUBESCENT GIRLS breast. Full on, whole nipple, totally uncovered.
In the first half an hour.
Gawd I feel like I need a fucking shower now.
Why do I keep harping on the first half an hour? Because if thats the level you START at, where the hell do you go next?!
I JOKE about horror movies that “show” “teens” having sex or in sexual situations. Thing is? THEY AREN’T ACTUALLY TEENS. They are adult actors pretending to be teens. While its uncomfortable in a way, its not an actual child on screen.
This? This IS. These are ACTUAL children in this movie.
I can see where the story is going. A young Muslim girl and her family have just moved somewhere (presumably France but I’m not sure). She is “coming of age” in her religion. She must wear a head scarf and attend the serious religious meetings instead of being allowed to play with her younger sibling and the other kids.
She wanders down a hallway after the meeting while her mother is talking to another woman and she hears salsa music playing. She goes to investigate and finds a girl dancing suggestively in the laundry room. You’re meant to think this girl is much older until she turns around and you see her baby face and realize shes no older than the main character. Awkward psudo-lesbian feelings show on both girls faces before the scene cuts.
The next day our main character (no, I’m not invested enough to learn any names here) goes to her new school and sees the “Cuties” for the first time. 4 girls her age dressed in short dresses, crop tops, and tight pants. They do some weird statue BS that I STILL dont understand before the principal yanks one girl off to her office.
MC comes across the Cuties practicing under a bridge and spies on them from above. The girls get pissed for some reason and throw rocks at her. MC is stupid enough to just stand there while they throw rocks and gets one to the face. The next day at school, the girls harass her, call her ugly and stupid, ect. That night she uses her dads phone (which she stole) to look at instagram pictures of these girls and starts taking pictures of herself and posting them too.
Jump forward to next school day shes in the bathroom and listening to these girls talk about pictures of boy parts they have. SHE WIPES HER ASS very purposely for the camera (they dont show her bare ass but she takes tissue and wipes at the back of her butt. its obvious what she was doing) then leaves the stall to look over the girls’ shoulders at the pictures. For SOME reason, the girls dont tell her to fuck off which I’d have expected from this Mean Girls wanabe click but instead invite her into their conversation and start asking about her LITTLE BROTHERS private parts. Her brothers are, like, 5 and <1?! They then happen to see a boy the ring leader likes and dash after him. When he goes into the bathroom the girls dare MC to go take pictures of his bits. So she does. She just waltzes into the boys bathroom (which doesn’t seem to have a door?!) and starts recording him with her phone. When she runs out, the girls are gone, OBVIOUSLY.
Next day head bitch is at MC’s house and criticizes her for not being able to see anything and asks MC “do you even know how to use this?” MC then proceeds to lock her brother in the bathroom FOR SOME REASON and then head bitch breaks into the room they aren’t supposed to be in. They do some CREPPY FUCKING SHIT with gummy bears then head bitch grabs MC’s phone to show her a video.
It starts off pretty meh. Its some tweens dancing in ways they should not even know how to dance but nothing worse than we’ve seen so far.
Then one girl “accidentally” shows her breast for the camera.
The girl is, like, MAYBE 15? MAYBE????
And that is where I stopped.
This was all within the first TWENTY EIGHT FUCKING MINUTES.
If that was their best foot forward and it just gets worse from there? I tasted bile in my mouth at just that!
I am 100% for free speech with only one caveat, that no speech or act violates the rights or safety of another person.
This movie could have been made without actively harming these children. How? NOT USING MINORS. This movie’s story isn’t anything new. A girl from a traditional religious family discovers her body and her sexuality. I could find a fucking DOZEN Hallmark channel movies that do the exact same thing. The only difference was this traditional religious family was Muslim and not Christian. This movie has been done over and over again, and with quite a bit of the uncomfortable shit but its not nearly as uncomfortable because the actors are FUCKING ADULTS.
And whats worse? The basic story about her family and how shes breaking from it, it actually IS interesting. Its not NEW but its still interesting. Apparently her dad decided to take a second wife and her mom isn’t taking it well. Its an interesting look into a new culture and I LOATH that I cant see how this plays out simply because the fucking CHILD PORN that brackets the interesting story.
I thought this was going to be like Gotta Kick It Up or something. I think thats what supporters want people to THINK it is. But GKiU didn’t put literal CHILD PORN front and center.
Also? From a technical perspective? Its just a badly made movie.
There are odd and awkward lines, dead space that serves no purpose, and characters who’s actions make literally no sense. Camera angles are awkward and uncomfortable in situations that you dont have a REASON to be made to feel uncomfortable (funny enough, the scenes they say we SHOULD feel uncomfortable aren’t subject to these awkward angles). Scenes that make literally NO SENSE like the weird statue thing???
Its just. Its just all so badly made! Badly filmed. Badly written. Badly acted.
But what can you say? This movie had bad intentions behind it from the get go. Of course they aren’t going to put effort into the story or the acting. Thats not what its about.
This does not deserve a “goat yells at” tag.
Its just fucking disgusting.
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