#What isn't stated is that dad is a major perfectionist
moonhawk147 · 7 years
Anon here! This also ties into my TC Origins so sorry about that!
Eve and Damion Enkai were proud rulers of the Silvermaw People. The tribal people believed heavily in tradition. The king and queen had two kids, an Ancestral Conjuring born and a Possession Magic born, the two of the most powerful types. The eldest is named Harvey Soros Enkai. He not only is the heir to the throne, but he also the owner of the Serene Rock amulet. A powerful stone that enhances the users magic ability to the point of over powered for a few moments. The second and youngest born is Xaviar Seto Enkai. At age five Xaviar “left”. And here is the eldets’ story…
(Note: Copied this from other doc so transition not smooth)  
From a young age, I was told I was different. I never believed them, everyone is told that. “You’re different then the rest!” “You’ll grow up to do amazing things!” “You’re gonna be the most powerful sorcerer that has ever lived!” Okay that last one is a stretch I’ll admit, no one could be more powerful than the god-blood Thaumus, but the point is that’s what everyone tells their kids. “You’re special my ass,” I mutter to myself, trying to tie my long hair into a ponytail. The purple wool robe I was forced to wear rubs against my skin, irritating it to no end, “Stupid tradition bullshit, making me wear an uncomfortable itchy ass robe,” I grumble to myself, getting up from my stool to make the throne room. Already dreading the ceremony, I make sure I take my time. The ceremony isn’t bad just… painful.
“Every prince has to go through this,” Mom told me, running her fingers through my hair. “But mom, I don’t want to be a prince,” I argue, “I wanna learn about the world! And I can’t do that sitting on a throne looking pretty!” My mom smiles, kissing my head and removing her fingers, “I know deary, and one day you will, but trust me when I say that for now just play along. The kingdom may be corrupt but you will become Lumen, light, for us. Fate works in strange ways Soros, dispute what people here think, you can make your own destiny,” My mom told me, giving me an affectionate smile, “Now, brush your hair. I’ll be in the throne room waiting for you.”
Opening the door, I see my father patiently waiting for me upon his golden throne. My mom stands next to him, a small sad smile on her face as she sees me. Finally my… my boyfriend stands next to her. His golden blond hair seeming brighter today, his baby blue eyes hold so much joy and hope I could almost start crying. “Soros, Solace, are you two ready for the ceremony?” My father asks. “Yes sir,” Solace tells him, a warm yet sad smile upon his face. I just nod, knowing the moment I open my mouth I’ll break down in tears. “Place your hands on his shoulders and repeat after me in Latin,” My father tells Solace. Nodding, Solace obeys, placing his hands on my shoulders. His touch is gentle and warm. “I, Brice Solace, agree to give up my powers to Soros Harvey.” “Ego Bricius Solamen erat, bellis conveniunt meum dare potestatem velut Soros Harvey,” He repeats, his eyes beginning to glow a soft blue. “By the sun and moon, I give up my life for you.” With one last kiss on my nose, Brice finishes the ceremony, “Sol et luna vires tibi dabo…” And with that, we collapse. Only one of us would ever wake up.
~5 years later~
With a bored look, I sit in front of my father as he drones on about some topic that I don’t care about. Ever since mom died and brother has “left”, nothing has been the same. At times he is alone with me, he does nothing but use me as an experiment to see if he can capture my magic and use to to revive mom. I have magic burns on my shoulders from when he tried to capture my mana and another magic burn on my chest from where he tried to harness Brice. “You got that Soros?” My father asks. “Yeah something about a war,” I yawn, my voice monotone. Before my father could reply to me, the large throne room door opens and in steps a dragon human… thing. “Hey, my name is Ty and I’m here for your son.”
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