#after all i'm getting it for painting and gardening and crafts (maybe baking) like it's gonna get dirty
s3raph1c · 1 year
Trying to decide what my life will look like and what I will focus on after I have the baby and stop working. Right now, I feel a lot of stress about not being able to keep our house presentable since I'm away from home working most of the time. My husband keeps reminding me that this is my most difficult time. I've never worked so many hours five days a week before, plus a commute, with church taking up a lot of the weekends, plus I'm pregnant and tired. Once I have the baby, life will probably feel like a walk in the park and I'll be able to do other things for once.
I want to keep our home orderly, first of all. I want to knit and crochet and paint again. We are planning to get chickens for me to take care of, and maybe a little garden. My husband thinks it would be a good idea for me to try to make some money on the side, by selling baked goods or crafts. We'll see about that. I think I mostly doubt myself on that one, and that it is more feasible than I think.
I know people always say you have NO time or energy with a newborn, but after working in a daycare, I think it will be fine. Babies can and should be left to entertain themselves a lot of the time when they're awake, though I know I'll play with it a lot too, and they also sleep a lot. I plan to exclusively breastfeed, so no bottles to waste time with. And during the pregnancy I feel like I've lost more sleep than I will with the baby, and it's certainly bearable. I think the lack of time will probably become an issue when they become mobile and start on baby food and then solids.
Anyways, I want to really focus once the baby is here, and become the best wife and mother I can. I still have a few months, but the reality is setting in that I need to prepare, moreso mentally and focus-wise than materially. When I was staying at home not working before, I didn't have too much to really do. It was a lot of free time to mess around with, then put in a spurt of cleaning and preparing before my husband got home. This time, it will be full of more responsibilities and structure, which should be good and keep me from the sense of listlessness that was always creeping in on the edges. And having my baby for company all the time will hopefully keep me from loneliness and missing my husband.
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welcometohighwater · 3 years
i know that it would just be cheaper to buy a cute apron but idk.  i think i’d kind of like the experience of making one, learning to machine sew some that way
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