#also Fushimi is weak to small children so really he'd be screwed if he tried anything
ridiasfangirlings · 5 years
yata hates shimi in post betrayal right? Because of the betrayal of shimi. How ould he react to seing shimi with his siblings and mom? Like shimi just stumbles on 2 them and they invite shimi to icecream so when homra strolls around they suddenly saw them. How wpuld they react?
Technically I think that while Yata says he hates Fushimi post-betrayal and that he wants to hate Fushimi post-betrayal I would argue that he actually doesn't, in fact he really does still care about Fushimi and wants to be his friend again while Fushimi does his level best to make sure that doesn't happen. If Yata saw Fushimi with his family I think his first worry would be that Fushimi's like doing this to hurt him in some way, like maybe this is some weird plan on Fushimi's part to make him mad, though I think he actually wouldn't be worried about Fushimi hurting them or anything because he knows better. Like say one day Fushimi's out patrolling when he gets dive-bombed by a toddler, Fushimi looks down and there's little Megumi attached to his legs all 'Saru!' Fushimi clicks his tongue and wonders where she came from, that's when Yata's mom comes running up looking all relieved that a police officer found her daughter. Fushimi tries to look away, hoping he won't be recognized, but of course then Minoru's immediately like 'hey, it's Saru!' and Yata's mom gets this big smile all oh Saruhiko-kun, it's been too long. She's all chatting with him like he's a kid again and Fushimi wants to try and make a break for it but Megumi and Minoru are already trying to drag him to have ice cream with them and Fushimi can't bring himself to tell them to leave him alone.
Fushimi's standing there eating ice cream with the kids when Homra happens to walk by and Megumi spots Yata, excited because not only did she get to see Saru today but here's her big brother too. Yata's mom waves to him and Yata stops all confused like 'Mom...?' Then he sees Fushimi and he's like looking between Fushimi and his mom and his siblings as his mom's like we haven't seen you in forever Misaki why don't you ever call. Yata's wondering what Fushimi's doing there and Yata's mom says they happened to run into him and is surprised that they weren't together, Yata gives this awkward laugh like yeah that's weird huh. What I think would probably actually happen is rather than fighting the two of them get to sit there awkwardly eating ice cream and trying to act like nothing's wrong because they don't want to upset Yata's mom and siblings, like just imagine them arguing with each other under their breath but whenever Yata's family wonders if something's wrong Yata's like what no nothing's wrong right Saru and Fushimi rolls his eyes and clicks his tongue but doesn’t say anything. Neither one really wants to bring up the whole betrayal thing (not even Fushimi, who doesn't want to end up lectured by Yata's mom probably) and instead it's strange and uncomfortable for them both, being treated like they're still friends while knowing that their friendship has actually been broken, Yata wondering why it can't just be normal like this and why Fushimi had to ruin everything and Fushimi trying to act like he never enjoyed being treated like a part of Yata's family, as if he ever wanted any of this to begin with, telling himself he hates it because he can't want it.
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