#also I've decided just now that Ves's other niece Zan has a plush Fourex doll that she takes everywhere
haledamage · 4 years
New favorite NPC: the guy on Makeb who fanboyed about meeting Havoc Squad and says he has a collection of all our holovids
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it raises so many questions! Are these like the Captain America propaganda films about the Howling Commandos? Are they edited to romanticize the war? How much real footage is in them and how much is staged and CG’d in? Do they hire actors to play film-Havoc? (do they play up the romance angle with Ves and Jorgan, like they did with Steven and Peggy in Captain America’s propaganda?)
do you think there are action figures of Havoc Squad and other famous figures too? does the Ves action figure have an assault cannon that fires nerf darts? is there a Revan doll? if so, I hope it’s one of those mystery “collect them all!” type dolls, where there’s like a dozen different ones and you don’t know who you got until you take the mask off
Ves’s niece Scout totally owns a complete set of Havoc figures. Her favorite is Elara, but she’ll say her favorite is either Aunt Ves or Uncle Aric depending on who’s in the room with her.
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