#also Martyn confirmed best friend :) (also friendzoned? By Jimmy's blond boy friend? Oh but wouldn't Martyn be a blond boy friend too...)
tubbytarchia · 16 days
jim stream recap time....... so much happened. this is a long one.
jimmy logs onto sos and immediately decides to go to scotts dock to fish. scott comes over and he was acting a little weird buuut i think it was just him being. an actual guy instead of a streamer. jimmy asks him for a bday present (he asks for a fate coin. he asked every single person he saw today for a fate coin) and scott gives him some mob heads. fwhip comes over and gives him a diamond block for his bday. eloise turns up too.
scott gives jimmy a bday cake! jimmys not hungry so he takes his armour off and says "hit me" (notably while looking at eloise) and scott CRITS HIM and he goes down to 4 hearts ("you almost killed me on my birthday" "but i didnt!"). fwhip runs off to get a candle and they all start singing happy birthday. its very sweet if you ignore the fact he just almost died. jimmy wishes for a fate coin. they talk about the current challenge (villagers vs pillagers. the tldr is its basically among us) for a bit
saus turns up.......... he says hello sweet boy then gives him a birthday box (as seen below). the cod head is called codfather head and jimmy tells fwhip. fwhip immediately bans (and unbans) sausage for lore reasons. at some point oli logs on and saus says something about spanking him and fwhip bans saus again
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jimmy crosses the river to fish a little further away so he can thank donos while he fishes. fwhip enderpearls over and says "i missed you :]" and it was kinda cute. then he leaves this group to go home
on his way home he sees oli and shelby shubble on his bridge. he bothers both of them for a present and shelby asks if her bridge couns as a present. he said it does :] look how cute it is. cat bridge
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however immediately after he asks if she would give him a fate coin. they talk about it for a bit and they dont even come to a conclusion. shelby leaves and oli stays and they start discussing things to do for a talent show hosted by mog. they keep suggesting things that would be hard/impossible to do in minecraft. they keep referring to themselves as the blond boy friends
sausage shows up. oli turns him away saying "youre intruding on our blond boy friend time" and sausage asks if he can dye his hair and join. jimmy says "no clicks fingers" like outloud. they talk for a bit then jimmy leaves the bridge and goes to his house
oli and saus go to outside his house and in the 2 minutes jimmy wasnt there they started talking about anime. jimmy sets down sausages present, oli opens it, sees the cod head, and starts yelling lore at sausage who then leaves. oli and jimmy go to meet up with everyone else (fwhip, scott, sausage, owen, eloise, shubble. i think.) at fwhips village. theyre dealing with a raid however it ends like a minute after they arrive.
jimmy runs off to explore around fwhips place and scott follows him. they talk for like a minute about the villager/pillager thing then scott says "i know what you are" and runs off. someone in chat says sos more like sus and it makes jimmy laugh
DIRECT QUOTE IMMEDIATELY AFTERWARDS: ""scott just threatened you" to be fair he does that all the time. hes playing mind games. when is he not. he plays mind games all the time."
he goes home. sausage calls him beautiful in midair. oli goes home with him and they practise the talent show more. i still dont know whats happening there. they practice a synchronised dance and it goes about as well as you would think. jimmy does not like chocolate cake. he likes carrot cake and red velvet cake. olis hog is now canonically gay.
they start to make a song for the talent show and everyone interupts them. martyn raids oli and shubble turns up. important to note: oli calls martyn jimmys best friend. they practice the talent show more. theyre practising a magic trick where jimmys drowning and he eats a chorus fruit to escape. however he makes it out on one heart.
"its very sweet if you ignore the fact he just almost died." help. Also "blond boy friends" yeah okay Jimmy and Oli. okay
That's all-in-all nice though... Jimmy and fWhip being relatively cute... Even Sausage... even if my tension and anxiety spikes by 50 something each time he is in Jimmy's vicinity. The Oli stuff sounds adorable though... Blond boy friends... Scott um. I'd say at least he wasn't too obstructive or anything but he did almost kill Jimmy so uh. It is kind of funny though lol. It's so awesome for Jimmy to be blunt and largely unbothered though. This is what character progression looks like. Thank you for this stream report my faithful inbox guy
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