#also i think if i was reader i'd have puked in the car with john but she's built different fjdsklf;sj
johnsbleu · 3 years
Hold My Hand: John Wick x Reader chapter 94
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warnings: none! hold my hand masterlist
The sand is soft on your feet as you walk down the beach, and you stop and pick up a seashell to look at in your hand as you sit down. Even though the sun is coming up and scorching on your face, you smile as you close your eyes and take it in for one last time. You get up and walk down to the water, watching the waves crash over your feet, then you cross your arms and look up at sun streaking the sky orange.
“Hey,” John calls out, and you look over your shoulder at him, “I was looking for you. This is the second time you got up early and came out here, freaks me out when you’re not in bed.”
You chuckle as you reach up to kiss him, then you lean back against his chest when he wraps his arm around your waist, “Sorry, I just wanted to watch the sun one last time.”
John holds you tight in his arms and buries his face in the crook of your neck, “It’s been a good week, peach.”
“It has been,” you tilt your head back and smile, “Thank you for this. I didn’t realize how much we needed this until we got here. We really needed some time away after those stressful two weeks.”
“Well, you deserved a honeymoon. We can’t get married and not have a honeymoon.” John chuckles as he lets go of you, then he sits down in the sand and reaches for your hand.
You sit down next to John and nod your head as you look back at the sunset. You take a deep breath and let out a small laugh when you look over at John, and he furrows his brow and grows curious.
“We’re married now, so it’s okay for me to ask things I’ve always wanted to ask, right?” you ask as John nods. “Okay, so, when you were…working, did you have a saying or something?”
John laughs as he furrows his brow, “What?”
“Ya know, like ‘shaken not stirred’, or oh, how about like, ‘hasta la vista, baby’?” you say, putting on the worst Arnold Schwarzenegger accent imaginable. “You know, when you’d kill someone, did you have a catchphrase or something?”
A loud laugh rises from John’s chest as he shakes his head, then he looks up at you and continues laughing, “No, I did not have a catchphrase. Should I have had one?”
“Woulda been kinda cool.” you tease, then you look over at him and smile, “You’ve mentioned a man named Marcus only once since we’ve been together, and that was a very long time ago when we were on our second date.”
“Yeah…” John nods as he looks at you.
You shrug a little, holding his gaze, “Do you…do you ever wanna talk about him or anything?”
John rubs his right hand over your back as he smiles, then he looks out at the sun, “Not really, but not because I don’t want to tell you anything. I just…don’t really know where to start.”
“I get that,” you scoot closer to him and smile, “But you could start anywhere. I just like hearing you talk about your past because I feel like sometimes it makes you feel a little better. I know there’s still some part of you that worries I’m going to leave when I learn certain things, but I never would. I don’t know if you know it or not, but…I’m kinda obsessed with you, so I’m not going anywhere.”
“Kinda obsessed with you too.” he smiles, leaning over to kiss your forehead. He inhales deeply as he looks at you, then he rubs his thumb over your cheek, “I know he’d have loved you. He’d like how you put me in my place every now and again.”
You laugh quietly, nudging his stomach, “Gotta keep you in line, Mr. Wick.”
“He’d be happy to know I settled down again.” he says, nodding his head, “He told me that I’d find my way back to that life I had, and I did. It just got a little better when I found it the second time.”
John laughs as he nods, “Yes, of course you, sweetheart.”
The two of you look out at the sun rising as you listen to the waves crashing against the beach, and you lean over to rest your head on John’s shoulder. You close your eyes as he wraps his arm around your waist and rubs your back, and you smile when he kisses the top of your head.
“What do you think you’d be doing if we hadn’t met?” you ask, looking up at John, “Still working?”
“I don’t know,” John answers, then he looks over at you, “Maybe, but probably not very often. I am old.”
You laugh as you nudge his shoulder, “No, you’re not!”
John chuckles and gives you a wink before he looks back out at the ocean, “I don’t know what I’d be doing. Probably trying to just…live a normal life, but I’d be lonely; I wouldn’t have you.”
“I’d like to think you’d have met someone.” you shrug and inhale deeply, “Maybe someone around your age who you’d get along with. Maybe she’d have kids of her own from a previous marriage, but you wouldn’t mind. You’d like being with her since she’s around your age and you just get along. The two of you don’t get married because you’re still a little broken from losing Helen, and she’s cautious because of her previous marriage -- he fucked her over. The two of you are together for a few years before you ask if she’d like to move in with you, and she says yes. You’re happy and content, and so she is.”
“You…put a bit a thought into this.”
You laugh as you look up at him, “Nah, I just came up with it.”
John laughs as he shakes his head, “I don’t think I’d be with anyone at all. I didn’t really plan on being with anyone else. I went out on dates, but I wasn’t looking to settle down again. Not until I met you.”
A smile spreads across your face when John reaches for your hand and rubs his finger over your ring, then you look up at him and smile as he continues.
“I went out on dates to pacify Jimmy and to get him off my back, but it was never my intention to meet someone to spend my life with.” he says, shaking his head before he looks at you, “But when I walked outside and saw you that day, everything changed. I tried so hard to work up the courage to introduce myself to you at the bookshop, but fuck, you scared me.”
You laugh, “Me? You were scared of me? I can’t ever get over that.”
“You scared the absolute shit out of me because when I looked at you…” John laughs as he looks at you, “I felt something I hadn’t ever felt before.”
“Is that a good thing?”
John nods his head and smiles, “It’s a great thing. I just wanted to be the perfect man for you, the perfect husband and dad, and I just wanted to make you so happy.”
“You do make me happy.” you lean up to kiss him, lingering above his lips for a moment, “You’re an amazing husband, and you’ll be a great dad!”
“I wouldn’t have dated again if it weren’t for you, I truly believe that.” he whispers, and you smile as you look up at him as he gazes at you adoringly, “You’re the only one who I want, you’re the only one I could ever imagine being with.”
You tilt your head back and smile, “I’m glad that we met.”
“Me too,” he smiles, leaning down to kiss you. “What about you? What would have happened to you if we hadn’t met?”
You hum as you look out at the ocean, then you inhale and shrug, “Well, I’d probably still be working at the bookshop, but if we hadn’t met, you wouldn’t have bought it and it would have closed. So, I’d probably have gotten a job in Oyster Bay somewhere. I guess I might have met someone, but I don’t think I’d be married at this point. To be honest, I wasn’t really ready to date either when we met, but…”
John smiles, “You felt the same as me when we met?”
“Yeah,” you furrow your brow and laugh when you realize, “Yeah, it was like I just looked at you and saw the man who was going to change my life. So, if we hadn’t met, I think I’d maybe be seeing someone, but I wouldn’t be happy. Not like I am now. Not like I am with you.”
“Jimmy and Tess wouldn’t have met either, and we wouldn’t have our cute nephew.” John says, and you nod. “Wanna know what I think you’d be doing if we hadn’t met?”
You laugh as you nod, “Of course. I mean, I offered up a whole life for you.”
“You’d still work at the shop because I would have taken over it either way, but you’d hate me because I’d schedule you to work all the time just so I could see you. You’d probably tell whoever you were seeing that you hated your boss and you wanted to quit, but I’d nearly beg you to stay.” he says, and you start to smile. “You’d be happy with someone, and he’d treat you good, but then something would change for you one night when I ask you to stay behind and help me restock the shelves.”
You gasp, leaning in for more, “What?”
John chuckles, “You’d look at me differently. You’d realize that you were in love with me.��
Scoffing loudly, you playfully shove John, then you pull him to sit back up, “So, you think that no matter what, we would have found our way to one another?”
“Absolutely.” John nods as he wraps his arm around you, “There’s no way I wasn’t meant to be yours.”
You hold John’s gaze for a moment as you tear up, then you laugh almost in embarrassment, “God, that was so sweet. I think I was always meant to be yours too.”
Holding you tight in his arms, John looks back out at the sun that’s slowly rising higher, then he leans down to kiss the top of your head when you scoot closer to him.
This past week has been absolutely amazing with John, and you’re pretty sad that it has to end. You wish you could stay longer, and the two of you even talked about staying an extra few days, but with so many holidays coming up, it’s best that you get home so the employees can take some time off.
You tilt your head back to look at John, then you lick your lips as he leans down to kiss you. You get up to sit between his legs, then you lean against him and watch the sunrise one last time.
Walking into your room, you put your suitcase on the bed and open it, then you head into the bathroom to make sure you get all of your toiletries. John is folding a pair of jeans when you come out of the bathroom, and he gives you a smile when you look at him.
“You’re quiet, peach.”
Letting out a small laugh, you nod your head, then you shrug, “Yeah, sorry, just thinking about stuff. Wondering how much food has gone bad in the past week at home. We’ll need to go grocery shopping. Also I was thinking about this the other night, our pool is heated, right?”
“Yeah,” John nods, still keeping his gaze down on his folding, “I’ve never used it in the fall and winter though. This was the first time I’ve used our pool. Why?”
“Well, I was thinking that maybe we should get a thingy…you know, one of those things that goes over the pool.” you wave your hand back and forth as you try to find the word, then you snap your fingers, “Like a hard pool covering. If we have a baby, we need to get a cover on that pool. They could fall in the pool and drown, or fall in and crack their head open if there’s no water in it.”
John looks up at you and widens his eyes, “Baby, I know you hate this, but calm down. Take a few steps back.”
“Sorry,” you close your eyes and sigh, “I’m spiraling.”
Walking over to you, John sits down on the bed and reaches for your hands, “What’s going on?”
“I’m just overthinking and getting in my head.” you say, then you shrug, “Our house is like one big massive deathtrap.”
John laughs as he pulls you between his legs, “It’s not, baby. We’ll get the baby gates all set up before the baby is here, and then we’ll make sure that we get those rubber caps for sharp table corners.”
“I don’t know why I’m worrying. I’m not pregnant.” you say, sitting down in John’s lap, “I’m still not pregnant.”
Cupping your face, John leans up to kiss you, “Well, it’s not like we didn’t try this past week.”
You chuckle as John tickles the crook of your neck with his beard, then you lean back to look at him, “Thanks for this past week, it’s been an absolute dream.”
“It’s been a great week.” John whispers, holding your gaze as he moves his hand up your thigh. He cocks his eyebrow up and smirks, “One last time while we’re here?”
You laugh as you get up and move your suitcase, then you lay down on your back, pulling John on top of you, “One last time.”
The flight back home hasn’t been too bad, and you’re just sitting in your seat trying to do a wordsearch while John takes a nap. He’s back in the bedroom, but you’re sitting in your seat and looking out the window as the clouds pass by. You should be home shortly, maybe another hour and a half, and you’re feeling a little sad about going home.
You sniffle quietly as you look out the window, then you look over your shoulder when you hear the bedroom door open. John rubs the sleep from his eyes as he shuffles out to you, and you quickly wipe away the tear on your cheek.
“Not so fast,” John says, immediately perking up and sitting down next to you, “Are you okay?”
“I am,” you nod as you look at him, and he reaches over to rub his thumb over your chin, “I’m just sad that we’re going home.”
John furrows his brow a little, “You weren’t sad a little bit ago, you were excited to go home and see everyone.”
Taking a deep breath, you look up at John and exhale, “I’m just worried about going home, and the honeymoon is over, so…”
Nodding his head, John shifts in his seat and leans his elbows on his knees, “You know how you always get upset with me when I say I don’t deserve you or good things?”
“Yeah,” you nod, “That’s because you say it all the time, and it makes me sad that you don’t see yourself like I see you.”
John cocks up his eyebrow as he looks at you, and you nod as he reaches over for your hand, “I know you’re worried about the honeymoon fading, but it’s not going to. I’m crazy about you, and that won’t change.
“I always get like this when we’re leaving from vacation. I know we’ve only been on two, but I was like this when we went home from Italy too. When you go on vacation, you spend a week in this…fantasy world. There’s nothing around to spoil it, no responsibilities, no one around to bother you. Just me and you. You kind of forget that the rest of the world exists. You just want to live in that, in your happy little bubble. But coming home, that can all change. Things get in the way, jobs become your main focus again…”
“Baby,” John grips your hand tighter and shakes his head, “I am so sorry that someone in your past made you feel like you weren’t good enough, like you’re going to be tossed aside after a few months, but I promise you that that will not happen with me.”
You nod tearfully as you look at him, “I know. Trust me, I know that, but sometimes I just…”
“Get in your head.” John nods, then he lets out a small laugh, “Can’t say I’m not the same way.”
Reaching over, you place your hand on John’s cheek and give him a soft smile, “I know you love me, and I’ve never felt more confident about something in my life. I just worry sometimes, and when I do, you’re always there to give me a pep talk.”
“Always.” John leans over to kiss you, then he looks down at your wedding ring, “And I’m happy to do it -- I really am. This past week has been so amazing with you, but I can’t wait to get home and love on you there.”
You laugh quietly as you blush, squirming a little under John’s gaze, “Love on me?”
“Yeah,” he nods, leaning over to kiss your cheek repeatedly while he hums loudly, “Lovin’ on you every day for the rest of my life.”
You wrap your arms around John’s neck and close your eyes, leaning your forehead against his, “Thanks for being my best friend, John.”
“Thanks for being mine.” he whispers, leaving a kiss on your forehead.
Even though you were sad to leave your honeymoon, you’re so excited to finally be able to sleep in your own bed again. You called Tess the moment you landed, and the two of you planned to have a girls night while John and Jimmy watched some game on TV that Jimmy has been looking forward to. Finn is with his grandparents for tonight, so Tess is a little more than happy to be able to be kid-free.
You’re just relaxing for now until you go over there, and you’re unpacking your bags so you can wash your clothes -- somehow you not only packed your clothes, but you apparently packed sand. You watch as sand falls out of the pocket of a pair of shorts, and you reach in to find a seashell tucked into it.
“Did you do this?” you ask, holding up the seashell when John comes out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.
John furrows his brow as he walks closer, then he laughs, “Oh, yeah, I stuffed sand--”
You watch as John widens his eyes and grins, and you roll your eyes, “Oh, I’m well aware that you stuffed sand in my pockets.”
Moving back to your suitcase, you hum to yourself while John gets dressed, and you smile when he walks over to kiss you. Sighing a little, you sit down on the bed and hold up your swimsuit -- you really miss the beach already.
“What are you and Tess doing tonight?” he asks, walking off to the bathroom to brush his hair.
“Uh, she just wants to hear about our honeymoon, so we’ll probably just chat.” you shrug, looking up at John as he comes out brushing his teeth, “I’m sure she’ll tell me about the shop and what everyone was up to while we were gone.”
John nods, “Yeah, Jimmy and I are watching some game, I guess.”
“I miss Bleu. I can’t wait to see him in a bit.” you smile as John nods, “He’s gonna piss everywhere when he sees you.”
“I miss him,” John laughs, then he walks into the bathroom to finish brushing his teeth, “Are you going to shower?”
You stop just as you grab your towel, and you hold it up when John comes out of the bathroom, “I was just about to hop in after throwing some laundry in.”
“I’ll do it for you.” John smiles, leaning down to kiss you, then he pats your ass as you laugh. “I think I’m gonna head over to Jimmy’s a little early. Maybe after I throw these clothes in.”
Tilting your head back, you smile at John, “You miss your baby, I get it. I’ll meet you over there after my shower.”
“See you in a bit.” he says softly, leaning down for another kiss, “Love you.”
You smile as you watch John walk out of the room with a bit of pep in his step since he’s gonna be seeing Bleu, then you laugh and turn around, “Love you!”
After being on vacation for the past week, you’ve kind of forgot how cold New York is. You planned on just wearing a t-shirt and jeans, but as soon as you step onto the front porch, you turn around and grab your sweater.
Mill Neck is always so beautiful in the fall since the trees have such a great variety of colors, and you gasp a little when you remember the annual apple festival should be soon.
You open the door to Tess’ house and smile, expecting them to be in the living room, but it’s empty. You take off your shoes and set them aside, then you head downstairs when you hear laughter. Once you turn the corner, Tess hops up and squeals as she runs over to hug you.
“Hi! Hi!” she hugs you tight and rocks you back and forth, “How are you? How was your trip? Oh, my god, did you get even more gorgeous while you were gone?”
You laugh as you put your hand out to slow Tess down, then you set the gift bag aside and hug her again, “Hi, I’m good. Our trip was amazing, and no, I don’t think I got any more ‘gorgeous’ while I was gone.”
“Disagree.” John says, and you stick your tongue out at him.
“John, on the other hand, look how tan he got.” you laugh as you poke his arm, “He’s got so many freckles from the sun.”
Tess pulls you to the couch and smiles, “Tell us about your trip. John hasn’t said anything this whole time because he knew you’d want to tell me.”
You sit down next to John and smile, “It was so good. Our little house was so cute and sweet. Our bed was positioned so that we could literally watch the sunset from our bed, but we didn’t -- we went out to the beach every night and watched it. The first day there was so good, we just hung out obviously.”
“The second day was rough.” John jokes, and you laugh as you nod. “This one was hungover like no one’s business. She shot up in bed and ran to the bathroom, so I followed behind her because I just knew. Got her back in bed, then…well, it was my turn.”
You laugh as you reach up and pat his cheek, “Poor thing. I’ve never seen John sick before. We just took turns throwing up all day. One after the other.”
“It was a good trip though, right?” Tess asks, and she cocks up her eyebrow a little.
John wrap his arms around you and hugs you tight, “It was a great trip.”
“We got you two some things!” you say, grabbing the gift bag and handing it to Tess.
You watch as Jimmy and her look through the bag, and he laughs and reaches over to high five John when he sees the bottle of Caribbean rum. Tess furrows her brow when she pulls out two bottles of hot sauce, then she looks up at you.
“Ooh! Turks and Caicos hot sauce.” you close your eyes and smile, “So good. John grilled some chicken for us one night, and we put some hot sauce on it. So fucking good. John had heartburn after, but it’s so good.”
Tess laughs as she looks at John, “Did she tell you to lay on your left side?”
“Yeah,” he nods, ruffling your hair, “Barely got the sentence out and she told me to lay on my side.”
“And it worked, didn’t it? Your heartburn went away.” you say, and John nods. “Exactly. Works every time.”
Tess holds up a little box and smiles when she pops it open to find a necklace with a little camera pendant on it, “Oh, my god. This is so cute. Thank you.”
“We wanted to get everyone something; there’s a cute little onesie in there for Finn too.” you say, then you look over at John as he gets off the couch. You lean up to kiss him before him and Jimmy head upstairs, and he leans down to kiss you again.
“I love you,” he whispers as he holds your gaze.
You nod, leaning up to kiss him again, “I love you too.”
Tess smiles when you look at her, then she looks at Jimmy, “Let us know when the pizza is here.”
“Will do, babe.”
You look over at Tess as the boys head upstairs, and you smile when she moves closer to sit next to you on the couch. She wraps her arms around you and hugs you tight, leaning her head against yours.
“I missed you so much, babe!”
“I missed you too.” you laugh, looking over at her, ��We definitely have to go there sometime. Our house was pretty small, and it only had one bedroom, but there was another house right next door that was empty. The beach was so beautiful, and god, I just didn’t even want to come home.”
Tess smiles, “So, you two have a good honeymoon?”
“We did. We made a lot of memories. Our first day there,” you widen your eyes and smile, then you lean closer to whisper, “We had sex on the beach.”
“Shut up!” Tess squeals, then she leans closer for more details.
You laugh and shake your head, “I was surprised by how much I loved it -- not the sex, obviously, just the whole ‘on the beach’ part. I figured I’d hate it because sand would be everywhere, but it wasn’t. John and I drank way too much, both took way too many shots of tequila, but we laughed and danced the whole night in our house, then we both passed out.”
“What else did you two do?”
“Uh, well, day two sucked so we just laid in bed and watched TV. The next day we were both feeling better, so we decided to explore a bit. We grabbed some lunch at this beachside restaurant, but the only problem with going to an island is that they mostly serve seafood, but they did have plenty of chicken and pasta too. Oh, and everything is spicy, so John was in heaven. We went paddleboarding, which was…hilarious because John fell about ten times, and I was worried about sharks the whole time.”
Tess laughs loudly and looks at you, “Well, you’re home in one piece.”
“Yeah, no shark bites.” you laugh, then you inhale deeply, thinking about what else you and John did, “We went mini golfing one day, we went to this little island that was locally known as Iguana Island -- that was fun. Iguanas all over.”
“It sounds like you had a lot of fun.”
You nod as you look at her, “We did. We made so many good memories and had so many good laughs. I’m still bummed that it’s over. We just had so much fun there, and we were just in our little bubble.”
Tess nods, then she turns to face you more, “I won’t lie, I was worried about the honeymoon fading once Jimmy and I got home, but that didn’t happen at all. Whoever says that that’s a real thing is full of shit. Obviously it was different for Jimmy and I because when we got home, we were expecting a baby, but now you and John are going to be trying for a baby.”
“Yeah,” you sigh, then you let out a small laugh, “John already gave me a pep talk about it when he realized I was crying on the flight home. I know he’s crazy about me, and I’m just as crazy about him, but I still worry.”
“I get it.” she nods, then she smiles when you look up at her, “Do you think you got pregnant?”
You smile and shrug, “I have no idea, but we had sex every day, well except for the day we were sick. We’re seriously trying, so fingers crossed. I mean, John and I are already pretty sexual but now that we’re trying to have a baby, it’s…crazy.”
Tess laughs, “Well, trying is half the fun, right?”
“Pizza’s here!” Jimmy yells, and you and Tess both head upstairs.
Gasping loudly, you lean down and hug Bleu when he runs over to you, and he licks your face non-stop until John pulls him off of you. His tail is wagging so fast that his whole body is shaking, and he leans up to lick John’s face.
“He missed his mom.” John laughs, and you lean over to kiss Bleu’s snout again. You lean down to pet Sadie, then you walk over and sit next to John on the couch.
Taking a bite of your pizza, you sit back and listen while John tells Tess about how drunk you got on your second day, and you playfully roll your eyes when he looks at you.
“It was nice to see her so carefree and relaxed after those two weeks we had with my lab results. She was dancing around and laughing non-stop,” John laughs, nudging your chin, “It was very cute.”
“Okay, you’re one to talk.” you point at John as you look at Tess, “He gets so giggly when he’s drunk. Oh, and corny! Like ten times worse than he already is! He was so smiley and giggly, and we danced and laughed all night. We had a lot of fun. Made lots of memories.”
John takes a bite of his pizza and laughs, “I think it’s safe to say we won’t be drinking for a while though.”
“Oh, definitely not.” you shake your head and widen your eyes, “No drinks for me any time soon.”
Jimmy opens a bottle of hot sauce and sprinkles some onto his pizza, then he takes a big bite and nods his head, “So good.”
“I think we should all go back there sometime. Maybe a family vacation next summer or something. I mean, it’s always nice there, so I guess it doesn’t matter when we go.” you shrug, and Tess smiles.
Tess clears her throat a little and gestures to you and John, “You two probably fucked each other’s brains out, so think you made a baby, John?”
John nearly chokes on his pizza, and he pats his chest a little as he coughs, “I wasn’t expecting you to say that.”
“She’s Tess, what else would you expect?” you laugh as you look at her, “I don’t know, but we’re hopeful. If it doesn’t happen, we’ll just keep trying. No pressure on us. ”
“No pressure at all.” John smiles as he moves your hair away from your face, “We both know how much we want a baby, but we’re not going to get stressed out about it. It’s going to happen when it’s meant to.”
You smile as you look up at John, “Exactly.”
Taking a deep breath, John looks over at you and cocks up his eyebrow, almost like he knows something you don’t know. He starts to smirk when you scrunch your eyebrows and look at him, then he lets out a small laugh.
“Nothing.” John laughs, taking a bite of his pizza, “You just promised me something when we got home, and tonight is the perfect night for it.”
You look over at Tess and scrunch your eyebrows more, trying to remember what you promised him, then you look back at John and laugh, “Sex?”
“Nope.” John shakes his head and smiles. “It’s something all of us can do. Actually Jimmy’s wanted to do it for a long time.”
Jimmy perks up a little and smiles, “Wait a minute…”
Looking over at John, you shake your head as you laugh, “Whatever promises I made while I was drunk do not count.”
“I knew you’d say that, which is why I made you sign a piece of paper.” he laughs, taking out his wallet to show you. He unfolds a blue piece of paper and holds it up to read, “I, Y/N Wick, promise to let my husband, John Wick, take me out driving.”
“Oh, shut up!” you grab the paper and laugh loudly when you see your signature in black pen.
John smiles when you look at him, “Your cute little signature right there. You promised, baby.”
Groaning loudly, you jokingly slap the piece of paper on John’s chest and sigh, “Fine! Fine, we’ll go.”
“This is gonna be fucking awesome.” Jimmy laughs, and you playfully glare at John as he smiles.
Even though you trust John more than literally anyone in this world, you’re beyond nervous to actually go driving with him. Of course you won’t be driving, but you’re still so fucking nervous. John is an amazing driver, and he always makes sure to keep it at a good speed when you’re in the car with him, but you have to admit that you’re a little scared.
John looks over at you and smiles as he reaches for your hand, squeezing it a little as he pulls into the airport parking lot. The sun is beginning to go down, so you’re sure you won’t be here too long. Thankfully.
“Can I just watch a few times first?” you ask, and John nods his head and smiles. You lean over to kiss John’s cheek, then you get out of the car and stand back a little, and you smile when Tess gets out too.
“I’ll stay with you.”
You give John a small wave as he drives away, then you bite your lip nervously as he revs his engine and quickly speeds away. Exhaling quietly, you look over at Tess to see her with a huge smile on her face as she watches John whip his car in every direction, and you look over and laugh when Jimmy yells loudly.
“I’m nervous.”
“Don’t be.” Tess laughs, then she gestures to John’s car, “He’s a good driver, he wouldn’t let anything happen to you.”
You nod as you take a deep breath, “I know, and I trust John. It’s not that I don’t trust him, it’s that you can lose control at any given moment that scares me.”
John pulls up in front of you and smiles, “Ready, baby?”
“Maybe you should go one more time.” you say, gesturing for Tess to get it.
“Oh, sure, let him kill me first, right?” Tess jokes, then she reaches out and nudges your shoulder when you look at her in horror, “I’ll be fine!”
John smiles as Tess gets in the backseat, then he looks over at you and reaches out for your hand, “She’ll be fine.”
You give John a smile as he begins to drive away, and you keep your eyes laser focused on his car as he swerves and spins around the lot. You smile when you hear Tess and Jimmy both laughing loudly, and you almost feel a little excitement to try it out yourself.
John’s tires skid across the cement as he swerves around an orange cone, and he revs his engine and speeds down to the edge of the lot where he quickly pulls a 360 and turns around. He playfully taps the horn as he drives back over to you, and you shake your head and laugh when he smiles at you.
Pulling up in front of you, John smiles and looks over at Tess as she moves her hair away from her face and laughs loudly, then he looks at you and raises his eyebrows.
“Ready now?”
“I think so.” you say quietly as you pick at your nails nervously.
John opens his car door and moves the seat so you can get in the back with Tess, then he looks at you as you walk closer to him. He places his hands on your waist and smiles tenderly at you before rubbing his thumb over your cheek and leaning down to kiss you.
“You’ll be fine, baby. I won’t let anything happen to you.” he whispers as you lean your head against his chest, then he rubs your back and watches as you get in the car. He gets back in and looks at you in the rearview mirror and smiles, “You’re gonna love this. I’ll take it slow.”
You feel Tess reach over for your hand as she smiles, and you look up at John through the rearview mirror to watch his face. The moment something goes wrong, you’ll know since you can read John’s face pretty well. He furrows his brow a little as he steps harder on the gas, and you immediately bury your face in your hands as Jimmy and Tess scream loudly with laughter.
“Hell yeah!” Jimmy screams when John goes a 360, and you hear John laugh.
The air smells of burnt rubber as John peels through the lot, and it jerks you around the backseat even though you’re wearing a seatbelt. You realize that you’re starting to laugh so you sit up a little and look at Tess as she laughs and smiles at you.
John finally stops the car and sits up to check on you, “You good?”
“I’m so fucking dizzy.” you laugh, and you smile when John reaches back for your hand. “But I won’t lie, it was a little fun.”
“Do another 360, man.” Jimmy says, and John looks at you in the rearview mirror for permission.
You look down to make sure your seatbelt is still on, then you laugh as you look up at John again, “Let’s go.”
taglist: @callmeglenncoco | @ficsnroses | @tnu-ree | @keanureevesisbae | @cheekybluefox | @hylianhbu | @tea-time-fun-posts | @star017 | @jessicajones616 | @sweetgoodangel | @aragornswife | @wheretheriversrunintothesea​
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