#am i becoming a choso girly
kamiversee · 2 months
Kamiii!! What a wonderful chaper it was!!! My heart is racing!!! Reader's gonna speak her truth finally😬😬😬 Also damn Choso went through hell and back huh..not only our pookie is soft hearted but so much better at communication ughh...Gojo needs a lesson or two from him. Choso really put his heart in reader's hand. Talking about trauma can be so difficult and he finally does so for the reader. Ahhhh!!! He's the best man through and through!!!
I am Sukuna girlie but the way you write Choso has made me a Choso girlie right now 🤩🤩 he is just so sunshine in emo way🥰🥰
Also Sukuna and Choso's backstory is quite guy wrenching seems like both were in abusive environment as Sukuna had wounded lip that means he too was abused by someone? His mother? Was she the one who even manipulated him into torturing Choso and his brothers?? Them big her step sons could have created resentment in her and she protected it onto Sukuna which he took out on them in the worst ways. Otherwise how could an 8 year old harbour so much violence and hate? And God damn the way you had described him knocking out his gf seemed like he was hit with the sudden realisation of what a monster he had become just like his abuser i guess...but back to Choso it would really be satisfying of him getting at Sukuna for once in his life. Will we get any of their interactions?
Also the poor reader is going through so much too..girlie found out Gojo was obsessed with her and maybe he did create the list just to get closer to her, then everything with Choso and knowing Sukuna was such a bastard and abuser..but Choso really seems to be her peace cuz even after so much she is not confused and frustrated like with Gojo each and everytime. Their dynamic is soooo good. Whatever happens in the future the fact that both of them are calmly listening to each other and opening themselves is such a big step in their relationship. I think if Choso accepts reader even after knowing everything the reader will also realise how much of a better man Choso is than Gojo who for all his love and poetic words has mostly given her confusion,hurt and all this mess she's in....
Such a beautiful outlook you have on the most recent chapter ^.^
I love that people are guessing Sukuna may be a product of his environment & I genuinely adore how you pointed out Sukuna may be retaliating on his brothers due to his mother ><
Even so, I can’t say if we’ll get any more interactions… maybe we will, maybe we won’t :)
BUT YES, the reader really does deserve the world & I love how u pointed out how the dynamic between her & choso and her & gojo seeing as one is vrry frustrating and one is not
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