#and if you read all this and try to say 'op is trying to romaticize these endings' THAT IS LITERALLY THE KIND OF TAKE IM TALKING ABOUT
renamamiya · 8 months
I think it would behoove a lot of people to read this quote irt Astarion's character made by Neil Newbon himself.
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"You have to play every reality, you have to play every side of him."
It's just.... baffling to act like people who get ANY of the 'bad' endings are like bad people for doing so. These endings aren't added just to be some "teehee isn't this so messed up *wink wink*" kind of thing. They were put in with reason, they were included with intention. All the endings a character can get are explorations Of that character. Both how these characters can make a better life for themselves, or how they can fall to the worst outcome. All of these endings are "realities" the character can end up at depending on how their life goes. Astarion's ascension, Gale either dying or becoming power hungry, Shadowheart becoming a Dark Justiciar. ALL of these were added with the reason to let you play the game and see how vastly different their lives can turn out.
Ultimately, Baldur's Gate 3 is an *RPG*. A Role-playing game, one that's based on DND. Having "good" and "evil" choices is literally one of the largest aspects of DND and the Baldur’s Gate series. DND literally CREATED the Good/Neutral/Evil - Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic axis, all with the intention of both characters in universe, and player's own created characters to be able to explore ANY of the four corners. All of these choices, routes, and endings exist both as a result of the exploration of how their life could be affected by support/lack of it, as well as how they could potentially shift across the alignment chart due to their development. Because ultimately development doesn't automatically mean "person becomes a better person and achieves the ending they deserve", both in real life and in the game it can just as easily come to "person ends up arriving to the worst possible outcome they could have possibly had."
Ultimately I have to say as well, if people are bad for even exploring these routes to see how the development takes place, then by this logic you must know that you're also essentially stating that the developers are also horrible for ever including these options into the game from the first place, right?
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