#and maple kinda....has nothing if she's not the healer
druidscraft · 3 years
58 for marie, st valentine, faelan, and maple pls! (i know maple just started but... vibe so far?)
all the clerics & healers!! every single one!!
58. what do they think their role in the party is? what is their role in actuality?
marie: she's my cleric who plays like a wizard, in that she doesn't hoard spell slots and definitely casts them casually and with a utility focus through the day. a lot of her spells aren't geared towards healing, but rather a combination of divination and necromancy. and she kind of fit that role entirely - everyone else had some degree of healing and marie wasn't about to go healing everyone because to be frank she doesn't give a rats ass lmao 🕷
st. valentine: in the brain-hands-heart model, saint is absolutely the heart; in the soldier-poet-king model, saint is absolutely the poet. ze's the artsy soul and the emotional center. in actuality ze is but it's because ze's emotions affect everyone around hir, not just hirself - and ze's the healer as well 💕
fáelán: thinks of herself as the emotional heart and soul of the group, and the voice of honesty and reason. in her first party that was definitely the case, though in future parties we'll have to see! 🍓
maple: healer. 100% the healer. doesn't matter that there's a cleric in the group, maple is the healer. her actual role depends on how the party dynamic is once we write a little more, but she's gonna be the healer lmao 🍂
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