#and neither are the war-obsessed conquest driven 'we're more powerful than others which gives us the right to rule them' mandalorians
kareenvorbarra · 4 years
i’ve been going back and forth with myself a lot about whether or not to watch the mandalorian - it looks pretty good, the characters look cute, i think i would enjoy it on its own, but i can’t fully separate it from the other fictional mandalorians and based on the little i know about the show i’m worried that the mandalorians i care about might have been killed off in order to drive the plot of this new show starring a random man
i read a few episode summaries to see if that would help me decide, and tbh the stuff i read is making me even more nervous...this “great purge” thing really sounds like it could mean “all the interesting mandalorian women you love are dead” and i don’t want to get invested in the show if there’s a good chance that’s going to turn out to be true. can anyone who’s seen the episodes offer me any consolation or confirmation on this subject? is that how the great purge comes off in the show, or is it more ambiguous?
#don't reblog.....just comment or idk message me if you REALLY need to#also apparently the main character was rescued from droids by death watch as a child which. sighs#their prerogative if they want to make death watch a little less pure evil i suppose but i will never not despise them with all my heart#remember the episode where they enslaved local teenagers from a planet they were camped on and murdered one of them in front of her family?#i fucking hate pre vizsla#anyway the super strict warrior code mandalorians aren't my favorite iteration#and neither are the war-obsessed conquest driven 'we're more powerful than others which gives us the right to rule them' mandalorians#i know satine's political philosophy has nine million flaws but it so easy to see how she turned out the way she did given her backstory#and what she was up against#nobody who shows up on rebels falls neatly into these boxes which is why i loved them so much in rebels#and why i'm super bummed at the prospect of all that work being undone off-screen#it would really cheapen the clone-wars-to-rebels female-character-driven multi-generational trauma arc#i still think clone wars did satine dirty but the way bo-katan and sabine's arcs unfold in rebels s3 at least built on it#satine and sabine never met and sabine was raised to hate satine and yet the narrative parallels between them are so stark#and bo-katan is there bridging the gap#i might delete this later sorry i'm just out here having wild star wars-induced mood swings tonight#fandom musings
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