#and this description does feel hella accurate i won't lie
magaprima · 7 months
What element writer are you?
Earth Writer
You have the patience it takes for flowers to grow, and break through the hard mountain floor. You writing is able to show an imagery not really anyone else can give. You gift your readers canvas painted with the most thought out shades anyone could imagine. You are the writer of those long stories that change the reader's life forever. You create whole universes with your words. Paint colorful worlds with words in black and white. Pains whole lives with ink. Your stories can hold the deepest meanings, but the majority of the time, your goal is not to teach anyone anything in particular, rather it's just to tell the story of someone, of how they grew, and faced their problems. Your favorite genres are fantasy, or mystery. You can also really love high school and college au. Your stories show universes never seen before, and building them can take a lot of time, but you don't easily give up. You have a great work ethic and, even if your sturdy foundations fall, you'll build new ones. Tropes that can be found in your fics include established relationships and canon.
TAGGED: @spirit-x-ing
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