#and when are non-lifters going to understand that this isn't even what functional muscle looks like
vulpixelates · 3 months
in what UNIVERSE would halsin or karlach have abs
halsin is a druid. he's meant to survive in the woods. you need body fat for that.
karlach is a fucking barbarian who is constantly chowing down on whatever she can get her hands on and has a super high strength. she would have a powerlifter's body type!!! FUNCTIONAL MUSCLE. do you think she has time to focus on building vanity muscle while being a soldier for zariel's armies? absolutely not. the only plausible explanation for her having any semblance of abs is that maybe her engine heart is greatly increasing her metabolism but even then i think it's a coward's answer
MAKE THEM THICK AS WELL AS BUFF AS HELL YOU COWARDS, pls and thank you. this has been a psa
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