#anyways that's my beef. found family forever. goodbye. πŸ‘
moe-broey Β· 2 years
You know I have a very specific and very personal reason I'm so opposed to Alfonse and Veronica as a romantic pairing and it's 100% based in projection like.
Yeah yeah yeah we can speculate and estimate ages whatever whatever, we know Alfonse and Sharena are considered adults via dialogue from Book 4 ("It's been at least ten years since we were children") and I've heard Bridal (Dress Up. I like to believe she's playing dress up w her lesbian moms) Sanaki has a dialogue about Veronica currently being around her age (12-13) (Veronica is a little older now I think most recent Book but that's besides the point I'm talking when they first met -- which honestly could have been earlier pre-events that have occurred in the story but we don't know that).
But where it gets really specific Is: I'm the youngest in my family I would constantly tag along with my older siblings who were in high school when I was 12-13 and well. Wouldn't it just be fucking weird????????? Like I'm imagining even as I am now, someone from my sisters' friend group in highschool deciding "Oh yeah no he's kinda cute actually" but the Guy In Question (me) was literally 12 when they met me. Like. Yeah I'm a completely different person (comes w growing up and transing your gender) but that's still weird. Right??????? Like especially if you're a long time friend like that like. Motherfucker would have watched me grow up. Weird as shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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