#bc byan's gonna leave with their pockets full of expensive jewelry hoo boy
byanyan · 9 months
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@seoulshine sent:ㅤ❛ i don’t have a date, so do you wanna be my plus one? ❜
platonic promptsㅤㅤ∘ ˚ ( accepting )
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ㅤㅤ" me? "
ㅤincredulous despite being the only other person in the room, the finger pointing straight into the center of their own chest slowly lowers, and byan blinks. despite their usual act of self-importance, the offer has them rather dumbfounded. them, invited to one of these fancy music industry events? they've known cindy for a while now, sure, but they've never anticipated her suggesting they come with her to something like this. surely she knows people better suited to such things? knows better than to invite someone like them to something generally considered so important?
ㅤ—annoying, the way that feeling of inferiority immediately creeps its way in. that stupid belief that they don't matter when compared to all the people who'll be there, that they shouldn't accept the invitation because they don't belong there.
ㅤㅤ" hell yeah. "ㅤthe answer forcefully disrupts their own negative thoughts, and there's an eagerness in the grin that tugs at the corners of their mouth as they stomp down the internal struggle with their own self-worth. these opportunities never come around, so like hell they're going to deny the one that does appear before them on a silver platter like this. there's a curiosity regarding what these sorts of parties are like, an interest in seeing what cindy is like around her peers, and a knowledge that with her there, there shouldn't be a dull moment — how could they possibly turn this down?
ㅤㅤ" not gonna promise to be on my best behaviour, "ㅤthey continue rather brazenly, never one to tone themself down regardless of what sort of situation they find themself in, and their grin takes a twist toward more of an amused smirk,ㅤ" but i can at least promise to not cause a scene. ...probably. "ㅤa pause, and byan squints, staring off into the distance thoughtfully as something has seemingly just occurred to them.ㅤ" ...wait, is'ere a dress code? 'cause i dunno if i got anything suitable if it's s'posed to be real highbrow. "
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