#but audio editing is really not that hard and they're professionals by nature of being at iheart and having ads
tuiyla · 2 years
Finally listened to the full ep of And That’s What You Really Missed on the Pilot and lmao first of all Thursday?? So it’s biweekly? Sweet.
Second, I have a few nuggets of, well, I guess you could call it feedback though it’s all y’all seeing this not Kevin and Jenna haha. But based on this first “proper” episode and the two-parter with Ryan Murphy I just have thoughts on the podcast in general:
Let’s get the pettiness out of the way: this is a professional podcast and it’s not like it’s their first rodeo, so I’d expect better quality. Kevin’s audio in particular needs to be better, though it might have been better now than in the RM episodes. You can sometimes hear Jenna’s voice echo when she’s speaking which leads me to believe Kevin doesn’t use a headset and/or they don’t sync the audio well enough. On a similar technical note, the podcast needs to be edited better so there are shorter pauses. The flow of it is borderline awkward at times and based on how close friends the two of them are, those shouldn’t be the vibes.
On the content itself, I’m not sure this level of recap is the best way to go about it. Often they just describe scenes, “and then this happened” style which is fair enough when it leads to BtS info or them sharing memories. If this was anyone but cast members, though, their style would really not make them stand out among a myriad of Glee pods. They either need to pick up the space or engage with the episodes they’re recapping on a deeper level than description. Just a thought. I’d say keep the recap as short as possible because their USP is obviously the personal experience aspect. That’s why people are listening.
The superlatives segment is great and that could use more time and elaboration. The tiktok segment is lukewarm to me just because I hate tiktok but it’s a good opportunity for them to debunk the ridiculous shit that gets sent around. Good that they got the Lea one out of the way.
The guest stars are going to be a big part of the appeal but I like to listen to “just” Kevin and Jenna hanging out as well. The love they have for cast and crew is heartwarming and it’s clear that they look back on these early days of Glee with fondness.
As one last note, Ashley Benson auditioned for Quinn huh? Imagine that.
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