#but he didn't completely land in the dead-inside self-centered hellgami we saw in the arc
mogamifucker666 · 7 years
EDIT/UPDATE: i added stuff from the reblog i and put this huge thing under a readmore
i’m stuck on mobile 4 now so some Quick Thoughts on the shishou swap au (watch me get sucked into writing this aaaaaa)(update: i got rlly sucked into writing this)
- Shigeo comes to the office during Mogami’s mom’s final weeks/months - having Shigeo around after her death keeps Mogami from going into his comPlete Downward Spiral (…… somehow.. idk how but Somehow Probably??????) - so he’s.. very attached to Shigeo (i’m into this timeline where Mogam’s mom dies before the narrative starts bc Mogami would have gone through that state of all-consuming hatred and resentment for humanity and moved onto something.. not quite as extreme. he’s still bitter and angry and wants revenge but he’s not Completely Out Of Control and also has Shieo to think about. Additionally because i like idea that Mogam drops his TV thing, no point anymore, supporting himself isn’t an issue compared to hospital bills, but he still works consulting ppl. could also b interesting how he reacts to ppl bringing it up afterwards. not to mention working with the underground would b less of an issue once he’s out of the spotlight
!!!!fast forward to when Shigeo is 14 like in canon - Mogami is more particular with who he’s killing. generally it’s still for hire but i think he does punish the kind of ppl he does in canon (this pisses off ppl in the underground sometimes) - uses a very strong rhetoric with Shigeo abt how u can’t allow ppl to take advantage of you - asks Shigeo what he wants, encourages him to speak up?? that’s not a consistent thing tho, Mogam would force Shigeo into some things (either by talking him into it, by surprising him, or some other means) - Mogam has a hand on Mob’s shoulder a lot, often for his own reassurance but it’s also just a habit at this point (Reigen has no friends and Mogami is emotionally dependent on a 14-year-old pass it on) - Shigeo is a lot more cold/direct. more distant from his family. more unstable. - the first person Shigeo Really physically harms (possibly kills??) is an esper sent after Mogami (this person wouldn’t be a conjurator, they’d have some kind of power over physical things and Mogami can’t rlly combat that?? like he doesn’t have those kinds of abilities)(maybe it’s that smoke guy from the world domination arc 🤔🤔🤔) - Mogami is injured during that whole episode - after tho he’s like “you saved my life, thank you, you did the right thing” etc etc - Mob is So Shaken but like. his master is still there and it’s okay because they’re both alive and have each other he was able to keep Mogami safe. Mob is literally shaking and like. damn. Mogami is probably holding him. doesn’t let Mob see the body on the way out. Mogami knows how to clean up this kind of mess so.. he does. - Mogami is Bad and one way or another this leads him to train Mob as an assassin
omg i completely forgot to talk abt Mogami getting hired to exorcise Reigen LMAO… (the subject of that 300 note drawing) currently i’m thinking it’s kind of like this: - Minori pretends to be her father and hires Mogami to get rid “the pesky ghost haunting my daughter” etc - her actual dad doesn’t have anything to do with it because, while Reigen is annoying and having a ghost around is Weird, Reigen is actually keeping Minori from getting hurt/doing bad things and Dad-Asagiri supports that - Minori hires Mogami bc he is/was on TV and she doesn’t care to do actual research and money isn’t a problem LMAO - Mogami shows up with Mob and, while talking to Minori, it becomes clear her father didn’t actually hire him and she was trying to play him (plus she’s been teasing/making fun of Mob and just generally being rude af) - he’s definitely not going to exorcise Reigen now, out of spite and also, as someone who has/had money problems, there’s no need to piss off a bazillionaire (pissing off the bratty heiress of a bazillionaire isnt ideal either? but??) - (idk what Reigen has been doing this whole time i have like 0 sense of his voice/personality in action lmfao) - anyway Mogami would be.. pretty mad.. i don’t know if he’d direct that at Minori at all. probably not. he’d tell her father, let him know of any channels she used to contact him (probably email?? maybe she had an attendant make a call to his office or something too) - Minori really is the kind of person Mogami hates. Mob knows this, and why Mogami hates these people (bc they’ve used him in the past, etc) so Mob does something to At Least intimidate/scare her. Mogami wouldn’t let Mob hurt her bc No Need To Piss Off A Bazillionaire (Even If His Daughter Is A Fucking Rude Asshole). - Reigen is like YIKES™ that small boy needs help
from there idk where it’d go… maybe Reigen persuades Minori to pursue friendship with Mob in some capacity. he’d know that would put her in danger though (Mogami is BAD NEWS and Mob is unstable too) so??? probably not that.
maybe he’s like “ok Minori ur still a very wild gal but uuuuh that kid needs help i’m gonna.. go.. put my post-mortem life on the line! please be good?? u can do that, right?? okay okay bye, see you–” and she’s like “UUUUHM???? EXCUSE M E?????” and insists on tagging along. That or she’s like “ya bye bizch those guys r freaky af Good Fuckin Luck Pal BYE FOREVER I GUESS” small tears bc she and Reigen do care about each other. cue drama and danger and maybe eventually Minori and Mob become good kids together or maybe not.
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