#but pre-crisis jay does not have the same background so obv. it's more believable he feels safe around cops
boyfridged · 11 months
A dynamic I’ve always wondered about is Jim Gordon and Jason Todd. Like considering Gordon’s place in Gotham and partnership with Batman like how does that play itself out or how should that play out given Jason’s background? I remember there being scenes with them getting along when he’s Robin and he was at his funeral but as Red Hood I don’t think we ever see anything? I think Gordon’s place in Gotham and Jason’s place in Gotham cross paths because they are different and I don’t think we have ever seen something done with that.
he really doesn't get any interactions with jim (unless i'm forgetting something, but there's nothing substantial that's for sure.)
they should happen though (i mean- not now, given gordon's current status). and they should be of a strictly hostile nature. a hill i will die on is that jason should not ever associate with cops; this is quite literally the only thing that gives him any significant moral/political standing that challenges batman's work (and you could probably guess it's my take if you've read what i said about the potential of jay as an abolitionist before.)
in his robin days, i believe he would try to be more open to the idea that jim is a good one, simply because at this time he's subscribing to bruce's moral code, and bruce most probably does make a tremendous effort to try to teach him about the "value" of legal enforcement... and there's also his relation to barbara. but i don't think he'd ever get completely comfortable around gordon anyway. jason is not cynical at all at this point, but he's also not stupid, and cops are the last kind of people he would trust, even with all his childlike naivety. so i doubt he would be eager to interact.
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