#but while I don't practice it I was hyperfixated on TES for *years.*
wizard-irl · 1 year
Inspired by a cut tangent I had on my previous post.
I may not necessarily follow the result but I'd appreciate the data.
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quincyhorst · 4 months
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Since its the Year of the Dragon, wouldn't you guys mind if I post about the Fire Dragon bench? They're my side hyperfixation that I love writing about every so often 🥺
Also yes, I specify bench because I don't care much about the main team for now. At least outside of their dynamics with the benchers that is-
First we have Ji-Nan, the reserve keeper. He's so cute ;____;
His profile implies that he lives in Seoul despite being from the south, so I like to interpret that his family moved there at some point of his life.
Typical story of a parent managing to gain a better place to live at thanks to their job; the usual. While most of the family was ok with the moving, Ji-Nan does get homesick at times, specially of the warmer temperatures. His original home are the Jeju Islands, by the way.
Because of the sudden change of location, Ji-Nan still has it hard to get used to living in the big city overall. At least joining his school's soccer club helped him make some friendships, I guess.
So, about his issues with the cold, here's a cruel fact: Ji-Nan has cold intolerance, which makes enduring the Seoul winters even worse. To cope with them he tends to put on puffy jackets, scarfs, gloves, and tons of layers of clothing. Otherwise expect him to catch him a cold very quickly…
The little hat he wears is just something he bought in hopes to warm himself up.
He has an older brother, but that gets constantly on his nerves because of his mischievous and unneeded comments towards him. When Ji-Nan practices soccer, he likes to act as a striker, and he will celebrate intensely every goal he makes against his brother.
...Though, Ji's very hot-headed overall. He doesn't take jokes very lightly, and he gets pissed off easily. I don't see him as violent when he's angry, closest thing is that he's quite petty and tends to complain about others in secret. Soccer and goalkeeping are also ways he lets his fury out without hurting others, supposedly.
Though in very rare occassions, Ji-Nan CAN actually try and fight someone no matter the size.
I like the idea of Ji-Nan using Dai Bakuhatsu Harite a very different way than the one seen animated: While the main keeper uses many but enough hits to stop the ball, the reserve often hits the ball way too much and with too fast, causing it to be slightly burned after the final explosion. This is an unwanted side-effect that's caused by a badly performed move.
His relationship with main keeper Jo Jung-Soo is okay, given there isn't an actual rivarly; and even JS himself sees potential on Ji-Nan. Unfortunately, he is very aware that the reserve keeper often puts too many of his negative emotions into his moves; which isn't neccesarily a bad thing but such intense things create the side-effects we mentioned earlier. So Jung-Soo always keeps an eye on him, and steps in is Ji-Nan is being his usual salty self.
"Don't let your fire get too intense, it will damage your playing style".
JN unfortunately doesn't have the best reaction to this, feeling often misunderstood. But at least later on the FFI he realizes healthier ways to express his negative feelings while also finding peace of mind. He probably got onto meditation or something
Because of the bad relationship with his older brother, te tends to become attached to pretty much every single older boy that treats him better. Jung-soo? The coach? The other benchers? You name it. Please ignore the fact that 3/4 of the bench aren't great people, the bar is just that low for him.
Though, Hwan Woo-Myang having a similar personality to his brother -always teasing Ji-Nan and his skills- can cause some tension between the two. Even if he's just being mischievous, this still is able to open the worst side of the little keeper, straight up talking shit behind him at any chance.
...For something more positive at least, time did make both boys mature a bit; removing Ji-Nan's petiness and making Woo-Myang a bit more considerate for others. After a re-encounter as adults the two surprisingly bonded well this time around, and they soon became good friends. Nowadays every weekend Woo-Myang likes to take Ji-Nan to eat and/or sing together. They always are having fun!
Speaking of the future, after the FFI Ji-Nan was the only FD bencher that kept playing football. Despite everything he never gave up and kept training, and soon enough after perfecting his skills enough he was given a spot on a professional Seoul team.
Another thing that contributed to his rising fame was his bond with Jung-Soo, given that they were in pretty good terms and often tried to train together. Nonetheless, Ji-Nan prefers to go his own way, even as to wishing to soon play internationally unlike the main keeper (Who'd rather stay on Korea as to keep improving local football).
Last thing, but a huge issue that did held back Ji-Nan during his early football days was his height. After all, with the current best korean keeper being huge, why would anyone place their trust on a tiny one? To compensate that, he trains very hard almost daily, following a rough excersice routine crafted from trial and error. At least once his daily effort is done, he loves to eat a huge bowl of fresh fruit.
(And yeah, don't expect him to get any despective comment about his height very positively).
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