#but yeah i guess i was hoping that D&D movie opening night wouldn't have weirdos so joke's on me
escapaldi · 1 year
so... I think I ran into a Nice Guy™ while at the D&D movie last night??? no joke??? I mean, if there was anywhere to run into one after so long, it would have been there, and I expected there to be a certain crowd, but it’s still just one of those things that makes me kinda ???
(lovely movie, btw; do recommend it for either D&D fans and/or fans of the sword-and-sorcery setting in general. we now have something more mainstream than the slayers anime to explain how campaigns aren’t as LotR-like as we first imagine they’ll be)
Fiancé and I are standing around waiting to go into the theater bc we’re stupid early (leftover habit from the days when seating was first-come-first-serve as a rule), and this dude compliments my shirt. Now, I’m not adverse to the idea of people striking up a conversation based on a visual indicator of shared fandom (fiancé’s first words to me were actually of a similar ilk), but it was the how that sort of made me go what the heck: as he was quickly walking past us, looking straight ahead, avoiding any and all eye contact as well as any indication he had looked at my Marvel Black Panther t-shirt. I said thank you and he kept going without further acknowledgement.
Like, I get it, you’re a blond version of the Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons and I’m sure that sucks, but if you’re feeling bold enough to tell a stranger you like their shirt in public, then at least look in their direction when you’re doing so. I’m not even asking for eye contact. Just pretend you’re not two moments away from complaining how no one can take a compliment or it’s great to see females at such a film or how Rick and Morty is for intellectuals. If you are out to touch grass, actually touch it ffs we’re all nerds here, we’re all pretending to be normal just fcking chill; you don’t have to act i’m some haughty supermodel out with a chad bc i’m just a lumpy nerd w/facial hair out w/another nerd. i mean, i’ve got a doctor who phone case and a lockscreen of trafalgar law fanart i think your difficulty level’s set pretty low
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