#but yeh everytime I see a post about Bagi finding new family I go 'yeah ^_^' until I read the words 'her brother doesn't care about her'
hgduo · 4 months
Okay so, I fully agree that q!Bagi is not obligated to stick by Cellbit or watch over him- and that it's healthy for her to grow closer to other people who make her feel happy and focusing on them could really help her start to heal from years of trauma she's gone though. I'm all for her finding people that feel like family when her brother doesn't right now. She is so much more then just his sister.
... but I don't agree with the common take that q!Cellbit doesn't care about her- I just don't think it's fair to take the way he's acting lately as truly reflective of how he feels towards the others, his mental health is at it's lowest, he's lashing out in self-destructive ways, and hasn't really had a moment to just take-in and process everything he's learned about the past that was taken from him with all the other stressful garbage going on. 'Course none of that is to say the weight of how he's treating people like his sister (and the others) should just be ignored and it's fully up to them to decide if they still want him around or not- I just don't agree with writing him off as not caring for her.
It's a painful, messy, complicated situation... but he knows she's been hurting for a long time- and I still believe that him hunting down fed members is as much for him as it is for her and everyone else whose been hurt by them even if Bagi openly hates what he's doing. He may not want to admit it, but I think he does care about her deep down- and he wants to push her away like everyone else (who isn't Baghera) right now.
I don't know if they'll ever be able to be a 'family' again let alone as close as they once were, but I think there's still some hope left that they can make something work... maybe.
... I also don't think she's ever going to truly 'give-up' on him because Bagi is simply a VERY determined person and not one to let her dummy little brother tell her what to do lol
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