#but you have people like cecco (who canonically carved his name into the prison warden's back)
piraticalwit · 1 year
i dunno, i’m always yelling about trauma on lucas (in different ways) and I don’t mention it as much on here simply because hook is a very much conceal, don’t feel type of dude .. but he sees concentrating on what happened to him as a weakness/sign of cowardice. I don’t mean the get even part of things, of course he wants to get even. But that’s because of a you took something from me vibe, not a I’m traumatized and only vengeance can help me move on. But anyways, hook really plays off a lot of what truly happened to him and i think a lot of people sort of clump it as ‘physical’ trauma but like .. bro. in any verse where he is a pirate (so like non modern aus etc i guess??), the dude had his dominant hand severed and his ship’s cook had to saw it the rest of the way off with a fairly dull blade that they kept in the ship kitchens that usually served for such things. that’s a lot of rum to try and get through that (unsuccessfully) and then at the end, they stop the bleeding by cauterizing it. the normal method while at sea was to use gunpowder. and i just. it’s a defying of the odds that he lived, let alone that he stayed a captain and became as competent of a fighter with his non dominant hand that he did.
so i know he comes across as playful sometimes, and very non threatening but that’s just his style of trying to get people to underestimate him. he’s actually quite capable. he’s tenacious as fuck and he will let nothing stand in his way of not being a coward and keeping his pride intact. 
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