#c; now i'm a witness to the death of a hero. ( oboro / kurogiri )
musedriven · 2 months
open starter // mutuals only
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“ there probably isn’t a worse possible time in the world for me to bring this up, but i wanted to tell you how sorry i am for how things ended. ”
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musepegged · 2 months
@bxndingclxth said // ❝ Tell me where you want me to touch you. ❞
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he appreciated the question, the intimacy of the act. his heart fluttered in his chest as he looks fondly at his oldest friend. hands reach out past the fog he's grown so accustomed to and gently take his own, guiding them closer though he hesitates for but a moment near his cheek. what if his skin felt different after everything? what if Shota flinched at the cold when he once used to run warm. so many things had changed and yet, in this moment, it all felt so familiar. so right.
he brings one of Shota's hand to rest upon his cheek; letting out the breath he was holding. his eyes closing as he leaned into Shota's palm and placed a soft kiss upon his fingertips. Shirakumo then pulled his other hand down to his hip, guiding it slowly up to his ribs and then finally letting it rest upon his heart. he wanted Shota to feel how his heart still raced for him. against all odds his heart still knew it belonged to the other. " I want to be close to you... " he breathes out softly. " i've missed this. you ."
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musedriven · 2 months
@erxsxre memed // losing you is my worst nightmare.
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a weakness, he cannot help but think. his programing still the dominant way of thinking as evident by the smog still surrounding him; hiding all traces of the wispy cloud he once was though it's been easier for his old self to poke through lately. his own weakness brought out by the very friend whom he died for.
" I... " he hesitates, collecting together his thoughts on the revelation. " I will attempt to ensure such things do not come to fruition. " he says simply. his voice so similar and yet so different. the hint of a blue eye is visible past the glowing gold smog of the mask he wore. you already lost me once, Sho. i'm so sorry...
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musedriven · 3 months
@erxsxre cont. from x
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" many things. it is important to keep informed of ones opponents in times of war. " he says simply as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. but at the next question he pauses. the tainted clouds surrounding him swirling higher is the only sign he gives of his discomfort. if he could control his smog he certainly would have kept it in check.
" because I found it interesting that you became a teacher. " he replies after a brief hesitation. the clouds thinning out just long enough for the hint of a blue eye to be spotted.
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musedriven · 4 months
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" you look like you've got something to say. "
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musedriven · 4 months
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Oboro / Kurogiri tag dump
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musedriven · 12 days
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he twirls the broom in his hands as a makeshift weapon. muscle memory more than anything else; years of practicing with a weapon leading to reflexive movements and a signature flair that only his closest of friends might have noticed though he had not actually practiced in some time now. a remnant of a skill his body refused to let go of; much like his drive to protect.
" you will not harm my master. I will not let you take him. "
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musedriven · 2 months
@rake-rake cont from
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the protector is quick to allow the smog to return to it's place at his young master's words. his head lowering slightly in apology as his golden eyes glow dimly against the rest of his form. " of course, sir. " he states simply. he will put his vest and coat back on later however; he still needs to iron them from the last encounter with those pests that call themselves heroes. he knows he should simply leave it at that, but there is something still nagging in the back of his brain refusing to let him rest. " for what it is worth; I am impressed with the person you are turning out to be despite the circumstances. you truly are destined for great things... "
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