#cosmicacy ( lois lane )
sorrowmarked-a · 3 years
———  BASICS! ♡
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NAME:   Rachel.  PRONOUNS:  she/her/hers ZODIAC SIGN:  cancer sun, virgo moon, scorpio rising   TAKEN OR SINGLE:  single
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
I can embroider, crochet and I’m learning how to knit. 
I once got into an argument with Gail Simone on twitter and asked her to define fridging (which she coined) if Vanessa from Deadpool 2 wasn’t fridging, but Elektra Natchios was after she condescendingly told  me “i think you know the difference.” I was like NO. because if “dying to make guy sad, comes back tho” isn’t fridging then how do you justify  having Elektra on the list of fridging examples??? IT’S THE SAME DAMN THING. She never moved on to define it, citing spoilers.
The first anime I ever watched was Sailor Moon, it made the weeb I am today. 💕
I’ve been on tumblr since way too long. Um, 2011 or 2012. I distinctly remember liveblogging the ‘12 presidential election as Lois Lane. But she wasn’t my first blog so at least since ‘12. Before tumblr, I did role playing boards, including modding a few. Before that I did one on ones on skype, and aim. And before that, in the dark days ... I’m going to embarrass myself and admit to writing on neopets. 
tragedy girls. end of list. 
——— FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡  
FLUFF:  I love writing fluff, I kind of like slice of life soft moments. Granted those threads don’t last long for me, because you kind of wind up with almost no where to go a lot of times. But gosh those moments, I could still write a million of them.  ANGST:  I also love writing angst. I write it fast, and I can write a lot for it. I sometimes cry  while I’m writing it. I generally like it balanced out with the above because too much of any good thing really can spoil it right? SMUT: i tend to need to be in such a specific mood to write it that honestly it’s better to just fade to black these days.  PLOT / MEMES:  I’m good with plotting, I’m good with winging it. Either works. I usually start with winging it and then move into plotting. As for memes. I love them, they’re a great way  to get starters out of me, without me having to think up starters. 
tagged by: @silvcrreaper ( thank you! )  tagging: @wasworthy, @astranovus, @cosmicacy, @insidemyblood, @moonsentinels
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