#doug asks if he should've asked mark's blessing
bearsinpotatosacks · 10 months
If we ever got to see a Doug and Carol wedding, and Mark lived, I headcanon that Mark would've given Carol away. He was her Lamaze coach, he was there when her kids where born. Her dad's dead and the only other male figure we see she's close to in her family is her Uncle.
They decide in secret, Mark is Doug's best man already and they're not even sure if Mark can have 2 roles but eventually said screw the rules it's their wedding.
Doug is getting stressed because Mark's nowhere to be seen before the ceremony starts. Elizabeth's looking for him, everyone's worried because it's about to start, they get told by Carol to go ahead and watch as the flower girls, ring bearers, bridesmaids and groomsmen (bar Mark) walk in. Then Carol comes in, with Mark on her arm, and everything's okay again.
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