#dunno if that was deliberate or if im reading into it. but i enjoyed it!!
queen-vv · 4 months
tagged (in spirit) by @collectivenothingness! :3
last song i heard: Probably something from Ultrakill since I've been playing that recently, but as for deliberately listening to a song I haven't done that in a while for some reason so I'm not sure.. ^^;
fav color: It changes now and then but I like a nice orange at the moment!
last watched series: hmmm well I watched a bit of dungeon meshi though I'm not up to date, and before that I was watching Zeta Gundam but it's kind of slog tbh so that's on watching hiatus too... :p
spicy/sweet/savoury: All of the above in varying quantities but balanced harmoniously, as a truly delicious meal should be!
relationship status: Single
last thing i googled: "ffxiv orbonne monastery thunder god quotes" (they're really good but I couldn't find a complete list of them in my very cursory search)
last thing i read: The manga for MS Moon Gundam! It was fine, I haven't gone back to it in a while tbh :p The last thing I read and really enjoyed was The Five Star Stories by Mamoru Nagano, a cool and weird and enormously scaled mecha series that feels more in line with Dune than something like Gundam
current obsession: Uhhh I'll be general and say mechs I guess! Mechanical design my beloved, the merging of practical sci-fi design and cool science fantasy situations!!
something im looking forward to: Uhhhh I dunno, I'm kinda getting sick at the moment so I guess I'm looking forward to that being over with?
I never know the etiquette of tagging people but I'll go ahead and tag @drmcsticks and @mika-moof for now! And anyone else if you feel like it! :3
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inkdemonapologist · 4 years
Okay but I do actually want to know both the things you love and the things you could rant about from DCTL?
OH BOY UHHHHHH okay lets see, I'm gonna see if I can do the "add a readmore after you post it" thing and see if that'll keep it stable.......
But also, much like Sammy, I am incapable of shutting up unless you strike me in the head with a blunt object, so uh, forgive my wordiness:
- DCTL gave us Sammy's ink addiction and like, if you had asked me before all this "what would you most like to see in a franchise?" I would not have answered "one of the characters drinks ink accidentally and then discovers that he can't stop" but boy that sure is my favourite concept that I LOVE to see handled literally any other way than how the book handled it!!!
- I like what it added to Tom and Allison and Norman!! Like, it's not big twists on their characters or anything -- we already knew Tom felt he was doing the wrong thing, so getting to see his CRUSHING GUILT over creating the machine isn't New Information, but it's nice to see and understand more of him; for all of them I feel a lot more attached to them after getting to see more of them as people.
- Like 90% of the "I LOVE IT" category for me is how the book handled Joey, and Buddy's relationship with Joey. The way Joey isn't a Sinister Mastermind Who’s Just Screwing With Everyone but just manipulative in a more mundane way -- someone who thinks of himself as just the guy with the vision to call the shots; he wants what he wants and this is how he's learned to get it; he exploits people not through devious schemes, but just by offering them something that they want or need and asking too much in return, expecting their loyalty for his favours. And the way he interacts with Buddy, making Buddy complicit with him and keeping Buddy off-balance and insecure while making him a favourite and treating him as Special is just PERFECT --  gives a lot of content to kind of extrapolate off of when pondering what must've drawn the others in and convinced them to ignore the red flags. I was initially frustrated with the idea of Buddy not being an artist and jUST DECIDING TO LEARN TO ANIMATE ON THE SPOT ("I've never done this before but I'm sure I can just do an artist's job" is a weirdly common throwaway thing in media and as an artist iTS A PET PEEVE) but actually the way they use his plagiarism to make him trapped in a lie in ways Joey doesn't even realise ends up being a neat echo of other employees (coughTOMcough), who were involved in much graver sins but suddenly felt they couldn't object or they'd lose their one chance, just like Buddy. There's a lot here that I think is really great.
- Uncomfortable Bigotry Vagueness that we all knew was gonna be in this list -- I dunno man, a guy committing a microaggression and getting startled and defensive when he's called out for it doesn't necessarily completely ruin his character I GUESS, but the way this was handled is just SO WEIRD AND VAGUE that it's uncomfortable and it doesn't seem to serve any real purpose. "Is Tom black?" is a question I actually have to ask because the text sort of implies he is while also dancing around it and apparently Word of God said he's not??? which makes Buddy's comment nonsensical???? And I mean, you could go that route, since Buddy wonders to himself if Sammy talks to everyone like this -- HE ACTUALLY DOES!! Even within the text of the novel, he uses "Joey" instead of Mr. Drew, which is consistent with his audiologs in the game -- but that makes the writing suggest "this character THINKS this guy might be racist but actually they're reading too much into it and it wasn't racially motivated at all, he's just a jerk!!" wHICH IS SOMEHOW EVEN MORE ICKY??? Anyway like yeah I guess it's not inconsistent with his character that while Sammy Lawrence may not have any specific grudge against minorities he has probably not checked his privilege or done the work to challenge his own internal biases, but “Your Fav Probably Contributes To Systemic Racism In Ways He Hasn’t Considered, As Do We All When Our Assumptions Go Unchecked” is still a wild thing to wade through in a fun story about demonic cartoons
- but yknow so is T H E   H O L O C A U S T
- Sammy's voice is wrong. I'm actually okay with him being a weird awkward asshole, I already kind of assumed he was and that's part of why I like him!! but there's so many places he doesn't quite... talk like himself? And not just in terms of word choice, like -- so in his monologue at the end, he's described as talking so quickly that his words are "tumbling out faster than he can speak them," which initially seems fine; like yeah, that's a Standard Scene we're familiar with, the person who's been Driven Mad With Insight becoming more and more manic as they try to convey it -- until I tried to imagine it and realised that Sammy doesn't talk like this. That's a really consistent quality I always notice about his voice; whether he's almost giddily excited in prophet mode, or he’s his irritated and overworked human self, or he's violently angry and his voice has that echo effect -- he always speaks very deliberately. He enunciates carefully. There's some circumstances where I'd buy this as showing that he's Not Himself, but I feel like those would kind of need to be in the middle of his transformation, not at the end of it.
- In fact a lot of the scenes with Sammy kind of have this feeling -- that it's not necessarily an exploration of Sammy as a character, but that he is filling a trope or archetype role here. Once he's fully transformed he excitedly describes the process as more of a mental compulsion, which is in contrast to his weird yeerk-infected behaviour when trying to get ink from Miss Lambert. Both of those scenes don't seem wrong on their own because they fit tropes we know -- but they feel weird when you try to fit them together.
- I also just in general am not a fan of the ink acting like a weird yeerk. It can be a parasite I guess but when it starts overwriting and puppeting people and crawling around to enter their body that's just a completely DIFFERENT kind of supernatural story and it’s not what im here for!!!
- THE FREAKIN!!! HE WILL SET US FREE!!!! WHY????????? SAMUEL LAWRENCE WHAT IS HE SETTING YOU FREE FROM??????? Sammy has No Motive for any of what he's doing, other than just Ink Made Me Do It. The whole thing that was INTERESTING about Sammy as a character is the contrast between this frustrated, ornery musician with no specific love for the cartoons he works on, and the manically devoted cultist he becomes. What happened in the middle there? What made him desperate enough to shift his mindset so much? "Something supernatural made him do things that don't benefit him in any way" is a very boring answer to this question!!! Susie was a victim who implies that her transformation has forced her to do things she didn't want to do, but we can still see her motive -- she wanted to be Alice, so she took a sketchy offer to try to get what she wanted. Even now, her violence echoes that goal -- to be a more perfect Alice. What did Sammy want? WHO KNOWS. Even in his ink-addled state at the end, we don't understand what he hopes the Ink Demon will even do for him, and in fact he seems to be responsible for creating the very scenario he's begging Bendy to reverse in the game.
- [sighs loudly into my hands]
- Overall I'm left wondering if the author just..... didn't like Sammy Lawrence? And I don't mean that in the sense of him being a rude jerk -- like, Joey is not a good person, but the author seems to be interested in him and in what makes him tick. There doesn't seem to be that same interest in Sammy. Sammy's role in the story is that of a monster, transformed into something murderous, unable to prevent or choose it. He's not a victim of anyone but the ink, no one had to manipulate him or figure out how his brain worked or what he wanted or what he feared or give him any reason to do the things he does -- ink got in his mouth and overwrote his personality. And we don't even get to see that change, not really. He starts out angry and defensive and continues being angry and defensive up until his very last scene, denying his ink-stealing but not really much else. We see all his prophetic sketches but we never see hints of this in him, we never see him start to act more excited and hopeful, we never see him seek out the demon he desires to please. Why do we never see Sammy struggling between his dismissive angry front and a building religious fervour he can't quite suppress? We don't get to see any of the in-between. There's no interest at all in why or even what it looked like as Sammy became what he became, when, to be honest, I suspect interest in precisely that is one reason he's such a big fav.
- It's funny, in a "cries into my hands" kind of way, when Sammy is just knocked in the head while monologuing and immediately removed from the story without further mention, like...... that sure is the pattern with him, isn't it, he just tries very very hard and never actually gets to matter, but it also fits right in here, too, in this book that doesn't want to think about his motives -- he rambles nonsensically, explaining nothing, gets one trademark phrase, and then is hastily removed so the story doesn't have to think about him anymore.
...................I think that's most of it.
Y'all............ I'm not ready for Sent From Above.......... I'm just not.... I'm not emotionally ready...... like..... Sammy has to be in that right..... he’s Susie’s boss and she has that big crush on him..................................... I’m not ready
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arlakos · 4 years
Miraculous New York Special: First Trailer Impressions
I’m gonna be brief with this statement: I’m not really looking forward to the special. Sure it’s a new episode, but i got burnt out on canon long ago, and the ao3 salt-fest has left me in a state where i haven’t really quit, but haven’t been motivated to make a lot of ML posts.
That being said, its got the fandom excited for new miraculous content, as well as myself, so lets talk about the trailers. Here are the trailer vids that I’ll be referencing in the video and be talking about.
(For reference, this was made on the 22nd of September, so this is all speculation and first opinions. Don’t flame me if one of my speculations are proven correct.)
First of all, every single hero released for the trailer thus far has so far been female, with knightowl and sparrow being unconfirmed. That being said, if its anything like the comic its based on, im pretty sure the New York Hero team will push the message of ‘Only girls get to be heroes/heroines, while the boys are regulated to be side kicks’ - justliketheactualshow heyyyyyyyyy!~
Also, its been confirmed that one of the heroes Names is Snowflake. Either Astruc really likes lame puns, or he didn’t hear the memo about the marvel comic hero with the same name. 
Or he did hear about it, but thinks its good and that people who downvoted it are ‘fake fans’ 😒.
Chances are Snowflake will have a sidekick named Safe Space, and if she does im gonna need a ice pack for my forehead cause i already want to slam my head against the desk.
Also RIP my boi Doorman. You had only one role in the comic and even that was taken from you by the show. 
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F in Chat for my boi Doorman :(
And his partner, Uncanny Valley
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Oh, and Victory too. She seemed like a cool characters.
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Actually, just and F for all the ret-gonned heroes. At least the Quantic Kids have company now in the shiny light of shelved ideas.
Back on the Topic of Sparrow, i reckon he’s going to get the short end of the stick this episode. Considering that he has no actual powers in the comic, and the fact he can’t run from a swarm of a rockets and has to end up being saved by Ladybug, I reckon he’s going to be Chat Noir levels of usefullness. That is to say - he’ll probably be made by Astruc to be incompetent in the face of the ‘better’ female heroes.
Look, i read the comics (unfortunately) and chances are Ladybug is going to be the main focus of the episode again. 
Yeah, i know, Ladybug is the main character and all, but ideally I’d hope to see an avengers situation where all the heroes partake in the battle and contribute equally, and it would be nice to see Ladybug (and Cat Noir) get some mentorship from older and more experienced heroes...
Chances are though, the actual heroes will treat Ladybug and Cat Noir like sidekicks and ignore them, only for there to be a situation where Ladybug can fix everything while the other heroes cant, or for Ladybug to have on option on how to win the battle where its the only right one while the other decisions the other heroes make and wrong and Lila-levels of evil and... 
Yeah im getting a bit to mad at this, but long story short, Ladybug is gonna steal the spotlight from the other heroes, and everyone will adore her like the Mary Sue she already partialy is.
“Nothing is impossible for Ladybug” Yeah, like talking normally to a boy to a boy you like, instead of relying on convoluted plans to make him fall for you.
Oh, Hawkmoth is in the episode? Damn... I was actually really hoping that we would get to see some new villains this episode, and not just more stinking akumas. 
The hell does he want with antique guns though....
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Oh damn... Nevermind... It seems he found a new miraculous, considering the pendant around Gabriel’s neck and the white glowing Kwami. Shit just got a lot more interesting...
Looking on the trailer now, it could also be likely that Hawkmoth will have his own side story that will be going on while the heroes are fighting the New York villains, so it would mean we will get to see actual new villains in the show. 
I’m actually hoping Gabe story involves him teleporting to Paris...I like the idea of him using his time away from Adrien to further his plans and not being there as a result of Adrien.
In any case, I’m hoping for Hawkmoth to only appear towards the end of the show with whatever plan he has cooked up.
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Speaking of akumas (and moving on to the 3 eyed girl), its a high chance that with Hawkmoth in new Yorks, she’ll be an akuma in disguise based on the trailers alone. With her being a possible fan of the american heroes, she’ll probably want in on the heroism, making her a perfect target for Hawkmoth. I mean the purple eyes are quite notably creepy, and the skin looks altered like other akumatized villains. Yeah, i expect this to be a Volpina situation all over again.
On a side note, my friend @twin-books​ said that she looks like a monster high character, and I honestly cant blame her. At first glance she looks like a mummified Cleopatra. XD
On a more positive note, I really like the orchestral Version of the Miraculous Ladybug theme. Its really great, and has an avengers vibe to it...
...but on that same note, Astruc probably deliberately made it that way, considering he has an ego the size of Ego from MCU, and probably thinks he can make movies better than most Marvel creators. He thinks himself on the same writing level as the Russo Brothers, but in reality he’s on the level of Kathleen Kennedy. Which is to say...very low 😈.
Actually wait, I just realise Zag does all the Miraculous music... nvm its really goddamn good, but my previous point still stands.
I don’t know if this is just be being annoyed at the Captain Marvel film, but Majestia reminds me too much of said heroine. I dunno, she rubs me the wrong way. I hope Majestia’s attitude wont be the same as Captain Marvels, but its likely considering Astruc’s idea of ‘good female heroes’
That being said, I like the other heroes designs, even Artica (im not calling her Snowflake). Considering I don’t know much about the heroes in the show, im gonna try to be positive and like them before I judge them.
So this has been my speculations/ first opinions on the New York special! I really hope the episode will be good, but if it isnt... well I’ll try to enjoy the good parts at least.
P.S. If you like, please reblog
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Hi im going to rant for a minute
Sorry, it seems like the more time i have to think abt stuff, the more i remember from my childhood and the more i hate my mother.
(Tw drugs, prescription drugs, recreational drugs, misuse of prescription drugs, bad parents, excessive cursing)
Ok so, basically, my mom and i agree that its pretty plausible that i have adhd. Like, we had a discussion abt it. Bc i realized i really clicked with a lot of adhd stuff, so i brought it up to her, and we had a small discussion, and she agreed with me. Except. She already knew. Like. She been knew. For a while.
Basically, the essentials of the convo were this:
Me: hey mom, ive been looking into some stuff, and i think i might have adhd
Mom: yea i kinda figured
Me: oh really? Then why havent you dine anything about it or brought it up before now?
My moms reply was essentially this: well, if i brought it up, then i would feel really guilty about not getting you tested, and if you got tested and you DO have it, i know youd need meds, so id feel too guilty about nkt getting you meds, but i dint want you on adhd meds because i think youll "enjoy it too much"
Yea. The 'enjoy it too much' bit is quoted too, btw.
So, basically, she tried to justify that by explaining that my sisters friend has adhd and shes on meds and has been, and when shes not on meds she gets really weird and kinda obsessed with getting them back and she doesnt want me to be like that. Like???? Like yea, micro meth dose, fine, but like- Ok mom, its not like youre a stoner, and its totally not like my sister actually did meth when she was a teenager or that youve involuntarily subjected me to tobacco my entire life. And its totally not like you still pop non prescription xanax sometimes.
But yea, me wanting to try /medically approved prescription medication/ to help with my possible /mental disorder/ is totally the same thing. Its also not like 90% of our fights are because i physically cant make myself do stuff bc of executive dysfunction which is a fucking adhd thing you fucking nut.
Like she literally told me to my fucking face that she knew theres something wrong with my brain and knew that its probably bad enough that id need meds, and she knew that i fucking hate everything about my fucking brain but no, i cant have meds to help with that shit because ill fucking enjoy it too much.
Like, she literally knows that i have trouble in class bc i cant fucking focus half the time, and shes always getting on my ass about my grades and then turns around and deliberately reduces my ability to function in a classroom setting. Like what the fuck???
Also, im like 90% sure my brother has autism. Like actually. I don't really know how to explain it, but the more that i learn about autism and its symptoms, the more i think my brother is autistic. It could be something entirely different, i could be reading everything wrong, i dunno. Im not a professional. Bu ill eat my left shoe if my brother is neurotypical. And ya know what?? Thats never been addressed. Ever.
And like? My mom didnt fucking hesitate to get me on depression and anxiety meds. Like what the fuuuuuuck. What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck.
Why. Why is she fucking like this. Even if i git tested and didnt get meds, we couldve set shit up at school so i can have an easier time. Shit is fucking hard. Its always gonna be hard. But she refused to let me make it easier because she didnt want to feel fucking guilty. Like what the fuck??? And honestly, if she doesnt feel guilty for half the shit shes done to me in the last 10 years, then fuck her. Fuck. Her. She put me through so much shit for no reason. Aaaghhhh.
Gods i hate me mother. Fuck her.
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hasty-touch · 6 years
Today’s worrying nerdery:
1. I’m probably going to pass up Crusader Kings II on sale because I’m afraid that if I got into it I would be tempted to make an Eorzea mod and I don’t have time to afford more distractions, oh my dog
2. I'm up to 462 characters entered into my Ishgard demographics sheet, 324 of which are named (i.e. not just "House Fortemps Knight"). There are still more characters I want to add to the sheet but the general trends have held from the beginning and aren’t likely to be reversed. CLICK FOR MANY NUMBERS.
I've entered 130 female characters and 332 male characters for a total of 462.
That's 28.14% female and 71.86% male.
76.62% are Elezen and 20.78% are Hyur. (2.60% other)
Only NAMED characters: 98 female and 226 male for a total of 324.
That's 30.25% female and 69.75% male.
75.00% are Elezen and 21.60% are Hyur. (3.40% other)
All knight-types: 45 female, 161 male
These are characters I labeled "Temple Knights", "knights (Dzemael)", "knights (Haillenarte)", "knights (Fortemps)", "knights (Durendaire)", "Convictors", "knights", "Knights Dragoon", and "soldiers".
They're 21.84% female and 78.16% male.
82.04% are Elezen and 15.53% are Hyur. (2.43% other)
Only NAMED knight-types: 36 female, 100 male
Named knights are 26.47% female and 73.53% male.
Named knights are 80.15% Elezen and 16.18% Hyur. (3.68% other)
Males are more overrepresented among knights than they are generally (and they're already generally overrepresented).
One reason that men and Elezen are especially overrepresented among named+unnamed knight is that the dev team usually seems to pull out a male Elezen when they want a "generic Ishgardian knight". (But precisely because that IS what they choose, I think the named+unnamed knight numbers are valuable.)
Knight-types make up 44.59% of the Ishgardian characters logged. That's a WHOLE lot of the Ishgardian characters we read about and/or can click on.
I labeled all characters who don't seem to be highborn and seem to be doing skilled work as "tradespeople"; most are probably lowborn, the lower to middle economic class. 30 female, 68 male.
30.61% female and 69.39% male.
69.39% Elezen and 30.61% Hyur, coincidentally.
I labeled people who seem to be lowborn from the Brume doing unskilled (if any) labor "Brumefolk" and farmers and laborers in the countryside "Coerthans". These together are 13 female, 23 male.
36.11% female and 63.89% male.
63.89% Elezen and 33.33% Hyur (2.78% other)
Add together "tradespeople", "Brumefolk", and "Coerthans" for an idea of lowborn non-knights:
32.09% female and 67.91% male.
67.91% Elezen and 31.34% Hyur. (0.75% other)
I also had a category "highborn" for highborn who are not (or not primarily) knights: 17 female and 28 male.
37.78% female and 62.22% male.
91.11% Elezen and 8.89% Hyur. (0% other)
Because a considerable number of the recorded knights are highborn, and they are Elezen, the true percentage of highborn who are Elezen is higher than this.
The category "Church" included priests, religious brothers and sisters, and inquisitors. 13 female, 26 male.
33.33% female and 66.67% male.
76.92% Elezen and 20.51% Hyur.
The 2.56% "other races" is actually just one person labeled "Elezen?"
(Currently) small categories:
"heretics": 1 female, 6 male; 5 Elezen, 2 Hyur.
Currently, the most male-dominated group of knights is "knights (Fortemps)" with only 1 woman recorded (93.33% male). Following are "Convictors" (86.36%), "knights (Durendaire)" (81.03%), "Temple Knights" (80.95%), "knights (Dzemael)" (70.00%), and the leader among the High Houses "knights (Haillenarte)" (64.71%), with the closest approach to equal gender representation being in the "Knights Dragoon" (60.00% male).
The most Elezen-dominated group is "knights (Fortemps)" (100.00%), followed by "knights (Dzemael)" (90.00%), "Knights Dragoon" (88.89%), "knights (Durendaire)" (84.48%), "Temple Knights" (83.33%), "Convictors" (77.27%), and the least is "knights (Haillenarte)" (70.59%).
But because these categories are small and I know I have at least some entries to make (heretic mobs from instances, Roegadyn and Lalafellin knights of Dzemael from 1.0), one shouldn't read too much into the current numbers.
And there are three Duskwight in my sample, or at least characters who use the Duskwight model. Two are highborn brothers from a house that shares common ancestry with Dzemael; one is from "a family pledged to House Durendaire" who uses the particule (though neither of these guarantee he is highborn).
My generalizations so far:
Men are really overrepresented among Ishgardian characters, generally.
Men especially outnumber women among knight-types, and because knights make up such a large proportion of the NPCs we interact with that pushes the overall distribution even more male. But among non-knight character groups, men still vastly outnumber women.
Women come closest to equal representation among "Brumefolk and Coerthans" (36.11%) and noncombatant highborn (37.78%) but they're still noticably outnumbered.
Racial representation isn't too far off from the "70% Elezen, 20% Hyur, 10% Other" given in Encyclopedia Eorzea. "Other" is underrepresented in my sample; there are almost no Ishgardian NPCs who are not Hyur or Elezen. It's true that I excluded some non-Hyur non-Elezen from my sample because they seemed to be visitors (L'khonebb) but I also excluded Hyur/Elezen who seemed to be visitors. "Other" will go up when I add those NPCs from 1.0 but probably not to 10%.
Presumably, the nation of Ishgard is in reality closer to 50% female 50% male (it could even be argued that, if knights are traditionally men, there should be fewer men than women because of high mortality, unless Ishgardian women are dying in childbirth at REALLY alarming rates). The disparity in the genders of the characters we meet in Ishgard can be accounted for in two ways, which are, roughly, Doylist vs. Watsonian1:
(Unconscious) bias on the account of the developers (I imagine particularly scenario designers.) It is very common for MMORPGs and other video games to have many more male characters than female characters for a variety of reasons that mainly go back to the real world patriarchy. We can't assume the developers of FFXIV are immune. But, I suspect that FFXIV probably performs better than a lot of other MMORPGs in this regard: outside of Ishgard, we see a lot of conscious inclusion of female characters especially in important story and leadership roles (all three playable Eorzean nations' leaders for a start).
A deliberate decision on the part of the designers for some reason -- for example, to indicate that important roles, or at least the public-facing roles that the Warrior of Light interacts with, are dominated by men in Ishgard, i.e., Ishgard is a patriarchal society, more patriarchal than the rest of Eorzea. I'm inclined to lean this way because I have way more confidence in the FFXIV team than I do any old MMORPG designer, but I can't have complete confidence without doing similar breakdowns of the populations of Vylbrand, the Shroud, and Thanalan.
Similarly, we may also assume that the population really is about 10% other, and that the underrepresentation of non-Hyur and non-Elezen characters among those we interact with suggests that these other races are funneled into roles that are less prominent and/or public-facing. But I'm less sure that this is developer intention.
It's not that off from 10%, not like how the gender ratios are obviously off. And what scenario designer's gonna be that obsessively considering the population's race ratios when adding new NPCs.
Because Ishgard is so Elezen- and Hyur- dominated, an Ishgardian NPC who isn't one of those will immediately stick out and seem like an intentional statement by the devs, and said devs don't want us reading meaning into the fact that the One Lalafell Of Ishgard is a dye vendor or whatever. (I dunno if this is a good policy myself, but I can imagine designers using it.)
To come in the future: Characters I know I still need to add. NPCs from 1.0 only (though unfortunately I can't make any kind of representative sampling and can only add NPCs people have screenshotted or noted down), instance mobs, FATE mobs, NPCs from DRK 60-70 and other Stormblood characters like those from the Fringes, etc.
And separately labeling characters as confirmed “highborn” or “lowborn” so I can properly include them in calculations about highborn and lowborn.
1 technically they’re both Doylist arguments as presented (I’m emphasizing the developer’s decisions.) The Watsonian side of explanation #2 is “women are underrepresented because Ishgard is a patriarchy”.
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TT: Interest'n. TT: Wizzay you eva be inclined to share? Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn. 
UU from tha streets of tha L-B-C: ohhhh, no no no no no no no like old skool shit. UU: i woUld be fizzar too embarrasze' ta do thizzay. 
TT to increase tha peace: Thizzay coo' from tha streets of tha L-B-C. I'm niznot ballin' ta pass judgment H-to-tha-izzere. Jiznust curizzles. TT: Do any of thizzese stories 'bout us by any chance involve... TT: Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your motherfuckin' dome. Rizzle cuz its a doggy dog world? 
UU: wizzy... UU: mizzaybe jUst... UU: Slap your mutha fuckin self. Um. UU ya dig? a wee bit spittin' that real shit.  cuz its a G thang:u 
TT: How wee? 
UU: a smizzle or two. 
TT with the S-N-double-O-P: Whiznich be it? You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. One smidgen, or two smidgens? 
TT: Put ya mutha fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. Ok, I be serioizzle curious ta read some. TT: I W-to-tha-izzon't shiznow anyone, I promize. 
UU: bUUUt... UU: yiznoU woUldn't even Understand it! UU: mah species hizzas a completizzle different Mackin' of romance than yoU do with my forty-fo' mag. UU: it woUld probably offend yizzoU dizzle. it might even sicken yiznoU! 
TT: But thiznat onlizzle makes me wiznant ta chizneck it out mizzore. TT: Really, there's no way it's go'n ta sicken or offizzle me wit da big Bo$$ Dogg. Whateva it be, I've seen worze. TT: I'm not judg'n yizzy at all here bitch ass nigga. I'm genuinely curious 'bout yo' work. 
UU: no, i'm sorry love, i jizzle CIZZLE abizzle. UU: if i let anyone riznead it, i woUld cizzy Up n die of shame cuz I'm fresh out the pen. U_U 
TT: K, no biggie. TT: Be thizzere anizzle kind of work yizzou will share wit me? 
UU gangsta style: hmm. UU: well, whizzay i fizzy M-Y-S-to-tha-izzelf immerze' 'n specUlatizzle... UU: i do often enjoy weed-smokin' tha th'n i imagizzle fo all my homies in the pen. 
TT: One, two three and to tha four. Oh, really? They call me tha black folks president. 
UU: yes. ^u^ 
TT: Any you'd be will'n ta sizzy a pizzy at? Boo-Yaa! 
UU: W-to-tha-izzell... UU: yes! UU: you talked me into it. dis sUddenly soUnds fizzle, n i have jizzUst the th'n ta S-H-to-tha-izzow yoU. 
TT fo yo bitch ass: Off tha hook. 
UU like old skool shit: yoU W-to-tha-izzere ask'n 'bout brotha yizzoU woUld ascend ta godhood in tha dogg pound. UU: Aint no killin' everybodys chillin'. n witout gett'n into whetha yoU do or do nizzay, i H-to-tha-izzave specUlated on yo' hypothetical appearance, since tizzy oUtcome be jiznUst as cloaked ta me as it be ta yoU. UU: It's your homie snoop dogg from the dpg. gizzle whizzle be docUmented fo` tha typizzle accoUtremizzles n cizzy of tha prince garb, n palette fo` tha heart aspect, i think dis be likely spot on! UU: http://tinyurl.com/dirkisthisyoU 
TT: Holy shizzit. TT: Do I actizzle hizzay ta wear that? 
UU: perhaps yeah yeah baby. it all depends Upon hizzay mUch of yo' inna greatness yoU wizzy ta realize paper'd up. u_u 
TT: Ok, what be wit tha butterfly messin'? 
UU: we sprizzay them Upon ascension! aren't they beaUtizzle? Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf. 
TT: Uh. 
UU: It's your homie snoop dogg from the dpg. i H-to-tha-izzave seen many depictions of sUch heroes wit w'n, Unlizzles thizzey happizzle ta be hid'n them beneath they clothes. UU: i gizzay i can't be absolizzle sizzy, bUt i belizzle it reasonably likelizzle tha Upgrade be Universal! 
TT: I shizzould sure as god damn Chrizzist hope tha fuck not. Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn. TT: Whizzle about dis knickerbocka bullshit? TT: Be thizzat legit, ya feel me? 
UU: yizzle! UU: one hUndred percent princely canon. 
TT so sit back relax new jacks get smacked: God dammit. TT n we out! I guess thoze asskick'n glizzles be prettizzle coo'. TT: I dunno, know what im sayin? I cizzay probably make it work. TT cuz its a doggy dog world: How much of dis shit be compulsorizzle by game law or bitch? TT: Be I oblizzle ta traipze arizzle 'n fuck'n tizzy n puffy lizzittle asshole pants gangsta from tha streets of tha L-B-C? 
UU: no, silly. UU: they be jUst clothes and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow. yoU be free ta swap piznarts if yoU lizzy. UU aww nah: or, if yoU wish ta be frizzle of it altogetha, change back into yoUr plain clothizzles, n bob yo' Uncle. like it neva even happened! 
TT: Ok. TT: Well, don't git me wrong, I think tha draw'n be bootylicious keep'n it real yo. I'm only taken abizzle on sizzome fina points of fashion. 
UU: ^u^ hittin that booty!!! 
TT mah nizzle: Also, TT: Bob's my uncle? 
UU, know what im sayin? oh... UU: Holla! no, lizzay! Aint no stoppin' this shit nigga. it wizzas a figUre of speech. 
TT: Yeah, I know thizzle thats off tha hook yo. 
UU: ah with my forty-fo' mag. UU: Tru niggaz do niggaz. did i Uze it incorrectly? 
TT: I don't thiznink so. TT: I mean, I G-to-tha-izzuess not paper'd up? 
UU: say, what be an Uncle, by tha by? Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. 
TT: It siznort of like dis weird, supizzles dad. 
UU: Tru niggaz do niggaz. hmm. 
TT like a tru playa': Lizzike a sizzy dawg 'n yo' life that barizzle hizzy anyth'n ta do wit yizzy, bizzle be just there fo` some reason. TT: Thizney're practically always dizzle bizzy. 
UU: Its just anotha homocide. i suppoze i'll jUst have ta takes yo' word fo` it.  cuz I'm fresh out the pen:u 
TT: Ok, but just one question. TT: Not ta do wit tha future or nothin' trippin', jiznust 'bout yizzay.  
UU cuz its a G thang: yes? 
TT: Be you British? TT: Or pretend'n ta be British, 'n a S-to-tha-izzort of ironic or stylize' way? 
UU: D-to-tha-izzoing whizzay nizzy? Drop it like its hot. 
TT spittin' that real shit: I mean, I gizzy it doesn't M-to-tha-izzake senze fo` an alizzle to be Britizzle. TT: Or fo` an alizzle ta be American, fo` T-H-to-tha-izzat pusha. 
UU: Keep'n it gangsta dogg. hmm... UU: Im crazy, you can't phase me. no, i fancy neitha of thoze th'n make mUch senze at all.
TT: I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. Just tha way you type be ridin' it seem thizzat way be all. Im a bad boy wit a lotta hos. 
UU so jus' chill: oh! UU fo gettin yo pimp on: yiznes, tizzy wizzy be mah qUirk. 
TT where the sun be shinin and I be rhymin': Q-to-tha-izzuirk? TT: So like, TT: Deliberate affectizzle? 
UU: no! Boo-Yaa! a qUirk!!! UU with my forty-fo' mag: qiznUirk dirk. UU: heeheehee. ^u^ 
TT: You pretend'n ta be British be a quirk in tha hood. TT doggystyle: What tha fuck be a quirk ta help you tap dat ass?  
UU: we all nee' a qUirk! UU: it adds spice ta oUr voices and helps Us stizzand oUt as indivizzles. I'm a mutha fuckin 2-time felon. 
TT: That stupid. TT keep'n it real yo: I don't have a fuck'n quirk, n I don't wizzle one fo' sheezy. 
UU so you betta run and grab yo glock: oh, W-to-tha-izzell of coUrse YOU woUldn't. UU: yoe hUman. UU: hUmans be notorioizzle striznange. I'm a mutha fuckin 2-time felon. :U
> ==>
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Entry #1
Basically im starting this because i dont feel like buying a journal or exercising my wrists that much. I want to start writing in the mornings and if i write on a public platform, my thoughts will naturally go in a more positive direction. The fact that strangers can see the negative shit pile in my brain could make it difficult to really go there. my purpose here isnt to wtrite well, or accurately, or even to make something people would be impressed by. but if I can take advantage of the subconcious desire to impress others by keeping my thoughts positive and positively impact my own state of mind because of it, so be it. 
I woke up this morning without reaching for my phone (not out of willpower but because it was in the other room) and I thought to myself for a few minutes. That’s what made me want to start journaling. I used to do it all the time, and I think it helped? with what? I dont know, my concentration, my ability to stay present.... it’s sort of like meditation without the boredom. I need to do more shit like this. i stare at my phone SO much, and it’s truly ruined my ability to concentrate, or have a conversation with someone without completely ignoring their humanity to check for likes. 
today i have to talk with S to do a weekly checkin since our last fight. What’s changed? What hasn’t? 
One thing im enjoying is the fact that we’re really starting to just share what we’re feeling in the moment, or if we fail to do that, we’re telling eachother afterwards. I love knowing where he’s at and being on the same page. I don’t feel so alienated anymore, which is so so nice. We’ve been laughing together more, talking together more. I feel closer to him than I have in a long, long time because of it. 
I was getting attached to the idea of wanting to move into my own place though, and now I’ve transferred that to just wanting to move in general, when what I really want is to live alone, so I need to get honest about that. I just feel a little bit like, “where is this relationship even going?” but where is anything really going, anyway? Marriage? what then? where is it going then? I don’t really need to worry about the future like that. People say you should, especially at my age, but I just.... i dunno, feel like theyre wrong? 
Anyways, the point is, I want to move into my own apartment I think. I haven’t let go of that idea yet. I liked it. I had grown attached to it, but now things are going so much better with S that it seems dumb, even though I still want it. 
I like seeing how much happier he is lately. I love seeing so much life in him again. He’s so fun to be around when he is having fun, and such a bummer when he’s not. He doesn’t deliberately try to suck the fun out of a room or anything, but he becomes so unemotional and detached that the people around him start feeling self-conscious about enjoying themselves. 
This week I had a meeting with MP to read for a role of someone trying to prove they arent homeless. flattering. I also finished a packet to send in for vulture, and I had a meeting with a showrunner for Viceland- all of them were projects I felt good about and even if I dont get them, Its so so incredible to have some momentum going in my career it just feels incredible. I’ve got *THE* showcase this wednesday, and I looked online and it seems like it’s gonna be a character showcase- or everyone else will be doing characters, while I’ll be doing standup. but that’s okay. They asked me to be there, so I’ll be there. They have their reasons and I’m happy to just be a part of it. 
Having everything happening in your career like this feels like falling in love with life. It feels like everything is so incredible that you can’t even take it all in at once, but you’re trying to. I’m so grateful. I’m just so so grateful.  
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thepondonthemoon · 6 years
just...observations #1
Uhh yea.. my motto is rather than interacting with humans, why not observe them? Hahaha..ahaha..ha.. (it’s totally my own choice and I am not at all afraid of social interaction okay not one bit I don’t get anxious when people try to talk to me nope I’m fine haha... plus people are actually really interesting) 
Humans are biologically social animals (like wolves), of course with the typical outliers and exceptions but let’s just ignore those for now. Something that I find interesting is the concept of ‘mirroring’. This is when you ‘mirror’ or copy a person’s actions, thoughts or opinions in order to get them to like you, which generally works. Why? Well, people typically enjoy spending time with like-minded people, which makes sense since if you enjoyed, say, partying, you’re more likely to be friends with other people that go partying than people who don’t go partying.  On a similar note, I’ve also observed that OPPOSITES DO NOT ATTRACT. Or if they do, it’s pretty rare. As an introvert who enjoys gaming, anime, books, sleep, and who values genuine-ity (whatever the noun is), I’m not exactly friends with people who wear makeup and go partying and spend wayyy too much money on materialistic objects. In fact, I make a point to deliberately avoid them. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with doing those things, you be you and all that but, I just won’t want to ever interact with you. Which is fine, because you most likely don’t want to interact with me either. 
Back to my earlier point, mirroring is a thing people do. People do it all the time, actually. Like when Person A says something, and then Person B says “haha SAME”,  Person A will probably feel a deeper camaraderie to B than before, subconsciously or consciously. However, what I find more interesting than just plain old conversations is the fact that if you’re close friends with someone, and that person really likes something, then you will most likely like that thing too. 
So for example, Person A really likes this song. They then tell Person B, “Hey, this song is pretty awesome and I love it, you should try listening to it”, then B will most likely like that song, because A likes it. I think this plays on the concept that married couples, when married for a long time, will eventually become the ‘same person’. If this is true, it’s probably due to the fact that your brain is like OMG FRIEND SOCIAL WE NEED SOCIAL INTERACTION TO SURVIVE (of course not so much now, but this was definitely true in the caveman era). Therefore, to ensure that that supposedly social interaction will not leave, the brain starts to ‘convince itself’ (idk, there’s probably some brain chemistry happening but i dunno) to have similar likes and opinions to that person (I dunno if that’s true, and every relation/friendship is different). 
That’s what I’ve noticed, based on my own friendships. Similarly (or in contrast, idk which to use im failing english ok), I’ve also noticed that when someone I dislike tells me that they like something, I will mentally make a note to hate whatever they like. And when someone I feel neutral towards tells me what they like, I - well - I feel pretty neutral towards it. 
Perhaps it’s true that when you’ve been friends/married/in a relationship for a long period of time, you end up becoming very similar people with very similar interests? That might also be why people say that “a friend of 7 years is a friend for life” or something like that. 
But it’s interesting. 
In fact, as a socially awkward human being who constantly and irrationally feels the need for reassurance, I like to use this above theory to determine whether or not people like me (although it’s just a theory and there’s sooo many more variables that have been unaccounted for but still. Anxiety ain’t logical). 
But yea. Thanks for reading c: 
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