#even if haein was gonna get mad at him again
lordsicheng · 7 years
Summertime Madness: Pt. 1
Park Woojin x OC
genre: fluff, angst (though not seen in this part yet, this part is more of like an introduction so yes more fluff+angst in the next part/s)
summary: what happens when a young, bad boy freshman falls in love with a coldhearted senior? will fate run its course? or will it send both of them into an emotional roller coaster ride that makes them realize the true meaning of love, honesty, and trust?
“That will be 42,700won.” the cashier smiled as he finished scanning all of your items in the bag
“Here you go, keep the change.”  you handed over the money and nodded
“Thank you, young lady. Have a great evening.” he said as he gave you your bag of groceries
“You too, sir.” you giggled as you grabbed the paper bag and headed out to go home
It was quite late at night, but you had no choice but to buy yourself some dinner since your parents left the day before to go on a trip out of town as a celebration for their anniversary, leaving you alone at home. You sighed as you walked your way down the street to your home, fastening your pace as you realized some of the street lights had faulty lighting.
“Really?” you muttered as you looked at the flickering street light next to you, continuing to walk your way
“Ya! Come back here!” you heard someone yell, making you curious as you saw three young men emerge from the hill of your street. 
They ran fast as they could from the middle aged man who was chasing the three, all of them running towards your way. You panicked a bit and couldn’t move, ending up standing where you were as the three passed by you.
Somehow, one of them ended up looking at you as he ran by, and you looked back. It seemed like a slow motion as you both looked into each other’s eyes, you becoming curious to know who he was as much as he wanted to know you as well. You snapped back into reality as soon as they all ran towards the other way, the middle aged man panting and stopping as he put his hands on his knees and tried to catch his breath
“What happened?” you warily asked
“Those kids were a nuisance at my store. They kept playing around and didn’t bother paying for everything they drank.” he answered in between panting
“Are they even legal enough to drink?” you scrunched your face as you looked at the direction to where they ran off to
“I don’t even know and I don’t care!” he hissed as he stood up trying to compose himself
“How much did they drink?” you looked at him
“4 bottles of soju.” he shook his head
“I’ll pay for them.” you insisted as you grabbed your wallet from your pocket
“You know those kids?” the man asked you, sounding irritated
“No. But as long as you don’t have to waste your time trying to find them, I’ll pay.”
You ate your homecooked meal in front of the television in comfort, watching your favorite variety show. Your phone rang suddenly and saw your mom on the screen, waiting for you to pick up. You rolled your eyes as you answered it and immediately shifted to video call, your mom and dad looking happy as you showed annoyance in your expression
“How’s my little princess?” your dad asked as he waved
“Fine. I’m eating dinner.” you sighed as you fed yourself a spoonful of rice
“Why so late in eating sweetie? You’re gonna gain weight.” your mom said worriedly
“What’s the point? I am already fat anyway.” you rolled your eyes again as you drank your glass of water
“You’re not fat, y/n. Did anything today?” your dad asked
“Other than stay at home and watch TV, nothing. I went to the groceries to buy some stuff to cook with. That’s all.” you said chewed your meal
“You sound irritated about us calling.” your mom pouted
“Mom, I want to sleep after eating. I’m really tired.” you insisted
“But you said you didn’t do anything today?” she chuckled
“I cleaned the house. The whole house.” you smiled sarcastically
“That’s my girl. Alright. We’ll call tomorrow. Good night, we love you!” your dad said before he dropped the call, and you frowned immediately as you looked around. The house wasn’t much of a mess, but you knew your parents expected you to clean at least once while they were away
“I’ll clean the day before they arrive.” you thought as you went back to eating, changing channels as you tried to find something amusing to watch
Woojin lied on his bed and looked at his ceiling, thinking about how he was able to see your face even it was dim. He couldn’t picture your whole face, but he thought of how your eyes were able to meet his. He suddenly chuckled as he sat up and grabbed his phone, looking at his contacts as he dialed one of them
“Hey Jihoon.” he chuckled
“What?” Jihoon spoke through the phone
“Were you able to notice the girl we passed by earlier?” he asked as he lied back down
“What girl?” Jihoon asked
“While we ran we passed by this girl, right? If you remember, that is.” Woojin grinned
“No, I don’t remember a girl.” Jihoon scoffed
“Never mind. Why did I even bother asking.” Woojin dropped the call and put his phone at the side as he rubbed his face with his hands, trying his best to remember how you looked like
You ran towards the registrar’s office as you finalized your enrolment for classes, finally feeling the sensation of being a senior. You weren’t really ready to graduate yet but you knew you needed to move on. You texted your friend immediately to ask where she was, walking your way out as you passed the halls.
“Woojin are you sure about your major?” Jihoon asked as he nudged Woojin on the side as they looked at their papers that had their schedules for classes
“This was what mom wanted. I don’t even know anything about business.” Woojin rolled his eyes as he looked up, suddenly seeing you again. 
You were looking at your phone as you walked, and Woojin suddenly became speechless as if it were a slow motion all over again. Your hair swaying to the pace of your walking as you passed by him, making Jihoon look at you too in confusion. You immediately walked fast down the building once you got on the stairs, Woojin still staring at you until you were nowhere to be found
“What?” Jihoon chuckled as he shook his head
“That was her.” Woojin said, expression still stunned
“Who?” Jihoon looked at Woojin confusedly
“The girl we passed by two weeks ago!” Woojin looked at Jihoon as his smile widened
“Wait, you’re still looking for her?” Jihoon scrunched his face as he looked at the stairs
“No, I finally found her.” Woojin chuckled as he ran towards the stairs to go down, trying to follow you
“Seriously?” Jihoon put his hands on his hips as he shook his head again
As soon as Woojin got to the ground floor he looked left and right to see if you were around, seeing you walk off to the other corner. He immediately ran towards to where you were, seeing you walk with some guy out of the building. Woojin’s expression suddenly became sullen, watching you laugh as you met your friend and went out the door. He felt a bit disappointed, putting his hands in his pockets as shook his head and turned to go back to go up.
“Thanks for accompanying me, Seongwoo. You’re such a pal.” you rolled your eyes jokingly as you looked at your friend, Seongwoo, who was also your classmate and decided to help you out on the enrolment
“No problem. You seem to be enrolling earlier than usual?” he smiled as he ruffled your hair
“I wanted to get first dibs on our classes. Good thing slots were still open for everything.” you chuckled
“We’re going to the beach later with the others. Got time?” he shrugged as he looked at you
“Is Haein going?” you asked as you stopped walking
“Yeah…” Seongwoo stopped walking as well, blinking a couple of times
“I don’t want to see her.” you crossed your arms
“Y/n, she’s really sorry about the whole Jaehwan thing.” he pleaded
“I don’t care!” you suddenly snapped, making Seongwoo calm you down as he put his hands on your shoulders
“Please, we all haven’t hung out in a while. I’m probably one of the only few people you still talk to in the group and I don’t want us all to fight.” he sighed
“If you don’t want us to fight then don’t invite her.” you pushed his hands off of your shoulders as you walked away, Seongwoo shaking his head
“Fine. I’m not inviting her.” he called out, making you stop walking
“You better.” you said as you turned to look at him, and he just slowly nodded
Woojin leaned his back on the wall outside of the registrar’s office, looking down while crossing his arms waiting for Jihoon. He didn’t even move an inch once Jihoon got out and just leaned still, making Jihoon groan and shake his head
“Couldn’t catch her?” he asked as he closed the door
“She has a boyfriend.” Woojin muttered
“So? Steal her from her boyfriend!” Jihoon joked, making Woojin get an idea as he widened his eyes and looked at Jihoon
“You’re right.” he smiled deviously as he nodded
“Wait, are you serious?” Jihoon chuckled
“I need to know her name.” Woojin bit his bottom lip as he looked around
“Woojin this school has over 14,000 students, how are you gonna be able to find her?” Jihoon questioned as he crossed his arms
“I’ll find a way.” he smirked as he looked at Jihoon, and Jihoon just sighed and pat his friend’s back as he walked away, Woojin following after.
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