#finally caught up to the whisperer episodes to see wtf is goin on there. james never calls the walkers 'guardians' like they do
spacedlexi · 10 months
Out of curiosity, if James did end up joining the Ericson kids, do you think he would still have his walker pack? I know they got set loose with the Delta attack, but maybe he would be able to start another group if he wanted to?
Like maybe he would wander between the barn and the school as a scout, being able to cover longer distances and using the walkers as a way of discouraging people from finding the school/kids? Since he’s comfortable guiding them, and his walker skin helps him to blend in (idk maybe in his mind doing it would be a way of repaying them for welcoming him in, even if the others say he doesn’t have to do it?)
Or do you think he would just leave the whisperers stuff behind entirely, and want to use the school as a fresh start? The ending kind of makes it seem more like he’s starting to move away from his mindset of ‘walkers being people’ thing, but I was curious what you thought about it :O
yeah i think he would go back to collecting walkers. he clarifies that he doesnt see them as people just something in between. he doesnt want to see any more death, people or walkers, so i dont think hed stop. after the things hes been through and done he needs something to take care of and he Definitely cares about his walker pack (almost chose them over saving child soldiers 💀 oh james...). he definitely needs to have some socialization with the ericson kids tho he's spent Way too much time alone with the walkers. he needs the supportive environment and i think he'd go from mostly hanging out with his walker pack to mostly hanging out at the school as he gets used to being in a group that Isnt fucked up lol
him using them to help the school is an interesting idea. if he came back to the school he might have some reservations about the kids clearing out walkers. i could see his solution being using them to keep the school protected since he can guide them. maybe around the perimeter of the old safe zone. i think they would come to a middle ground on it because i Doubt everyone would be cool with just Not killing walkers anymore aha. but i like the idea of him using his walker pack (something the whisperers used to hurt people) to help keep ericsons safe
also with the way willy got really excited about the whisperer mask i like to imagine that if james came back willy would like hanging around him aha and might even want to make his own mask. he lost his guardian and james wants to influence positive change (trying to take aj because he thinks clem is gonna turn him into a monster). i like the idea of james taking the whisperer stuff and turning it into something positive
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