#having the good sense to turn reblogs off because i know y'all are insane and cannot be trusted lmao
veshialles · 2 years
okay deadass am I the only one who felt like having the Doctor regenerate back into David Tennant was a massively cheap cop-out or?? I see so many people celebrating and I simply do not get it
it just feels like yet another undercut to everything that's been bothering me about the show lately and the way it's all been handled. Like, here we finally get the first ever woman to play The Doctor and made a big to do about it, and then "whoops! Bi-annual season releases are back again! Whoops, the Saturday time slot has been moved to Sundays for the first time ever! Whoops, we handed it off to someone who doesn't write sci-fi and and can't weave thoughtful commentary into a story's narrative if it hit him in the face! Whoops we tried to make it "hip and woke" but only ended up coming across even more deeply problematic and racist and sexist than ever before!
"ANyway here's the same white guy who last starred in the show 12 years ago! I know we just promised you we were getting someone new to play the Doctor but sike!"
Like I want to reserve my judgements until the specials finally air, but it really feels like now Doctor Who is just another series that's jumped on the Nostalgia Over Storytelling bandwagon and I cannot help but roll my eyes over it sorry
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socheckitout-mikey · 2 years
heya birdies! here's a shorter hc piece! sorry i haven't posted much other than reblogging. it's hard to type well on my phone bc a keyboard on a computer helps the words flow better. once again, i lost an ask. will that ever not occur? probably not! anyway, here's another masterpiece of chaos for the outsiders! enjoy. (': - mae
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How the Curtis Gang and Shepard Brothers Flirt Hc's:
Curly Shepard:
° He flirts by being mean to you because Curly's a little shit lmaoo! He's that guy that'll get under your skin so you talk to him. I'm pretty sure at first y'all couldn't stand each other.
° He tries to be smooth, but he's not the brainiest so the lines he practiced either sound corny or dirty ngl. He did get most of them from Tim or his gang members after all. Curly is a bit of a copycat in that sense, but he's original in some stupidity he pulls. He's actually incredibly funny, with a quirky sense of smoothness. 
° Deffo tried flirting with you by propping his foot on a stool, missed and face planted lmaoo. You never let him live it down, but it got him a date with you because he made you laugh a lot. So in the end, Curly's stupidity and clumsiness won! (I say that affectionately ofc! We Stan Curly Shepard on this blog.)
° He thinks flirting is also doing something that he knows is gonna get him into trouble right in front of you. Curly's a bit of a show off, isn't he? Nevermind, there's entertainment at all times in your budding relationship. Curly doesn't like to be serious too often, so you'll be in for lots of fun and trouble making!
Dallas Winston:
° Omfg is he a bastard! Flirting with Dallas is one wild ass ride. The president of the, "I Like You So I'm Gonna Be Mean to You Club". The bigger the reaction you give him, the better. And boy will he get it because he genuinely does have a whole arsenal of things. He'll get dirty real fast, though that's more at the start.
° He's very touchy and will sling his arm around your shoulders, a hand in your back pocket… He shows interest. Dallas is not shy!
° His eyes fall to your lips, filled with mischief and interest. An absolute tease when he leans in just a little closer, and when you're ready to kiss him, he turns away smoothly at the last second. All just to rile you up because he likes 'em feisty!
° Dirty jokes galore! He's got incredibly smooth as hell pickup lines too. When he wants to be, he can make a good impression.
Darry Curtis:
° Darry is surprisingly smooth when he wants to be. People are stunned because they don't see it coming as it's not on display often. His grumpiness disappears, replaced by a cheerful charm and smoothed features. Not an ounce of stress on his face. He's inclined to laugh more. He's still got the charm! Oh and his smile is to die for!
° He's old school and very gentlemanly. He wants to make a good impression even if you've been married for decades! Darry enjoys taking care of the one he's interested in. That'll never go away, so flirting can almost come in the form of checking up on you too. 
° Darry pulls out all of the romantic stops that he can. Expect lots of flowers and stuff - Soda had to help him arrange it all because he's so damn busy, but his intentions were definitely there. No one can deny that. He even gave Sodapop strict orders, otherwise he'd have beaten the tar outta him because Soda gets distracted easily. (Obviously that last bit isn't me being totally serious.)
° Lots of eye contact and smiling. He's got a beautiful smile - and yes, I know I mentioned that again. Darry shows interest through looking into your eyes, having a gentle arm around your shoulders and just being the gentleman that he is.
Johnny Cade:
° He's clumsy and it can be insanely challenging to pick up when he's flirting. However, he has more colour to his face than what's normal. He's a glowing tomato! 
° Johnny is genuinely interested and will say the most sincere compliments to you when he's worked up the courage to do so. I feel he would stammer a lot, but he means what he says. You can tell, and it makes you have an explosion of butterflies in your belly.
° Pda isn't his thing really. Touch in of itself can be challenging to experience, but he does try to hold your hand out in public. He always sticks by you the closest, so much so that you can practically feel his body heat. Don't take offense to this, he's way more affectionate when it's just you two. It's just that all these curious eyes on you both freaks him out.
° He goes out of his way to help you with things, even if he's not really good at it. It's his way of showing you he cares about you. Johnny wants to feel like he's worth something, and how he does this is by getting his hands a little dirty for you. It leads to a lot of wholesome or even funny moments. The more he does this without you protesting, the more comfortable he gets around you.
Ponyboy Curtis:
° He's clumsy too in his approach. He blushes sm but he tries to be flirty. He fails, but not without you giggling. He gets real mopey, but adores your sudden affection. Pony is just embarrassed.
° He's kind, helping you with any of your school work as he enjoys spending time with you. Gets all dreamy eyed when you're there, and you'll catch him daydreaming - even when you're talking. He just sorta gets lost, guys. Earth to Pony!
° Compliments you sincerely and smiles a lot more. Suggests that you guys go see a movie together. This is a huge step, because as we know, Ponyboy doesn't like watching movies with other people. However, he feels comfortable with you, knowing you won't intrude in his mental space by gratingly talking through said movie.
° Ponyboy shares things with you that he never shares with anyone like movies, books, sunsets, etc. If he's talking passionately about something to you then it's a good sign. He loves listening to your passions too. He can wrap his head around a lot of different topics all at once. All I can see now is Ponyboy just swooning over you silently with a whimsical sigh as you chat about your latest interest. Absolutely wholesome!
Sodapop Curtis:
° Sodapop flirts to the max with you! He makes it very obvious that he's into you whilst also remaining cool and smooth. He's got a knack for sweeping you off your feet, it feels like you're in a romance movie!
° Sometimes it can be challenging to see when he's interested or just flirting for the fun of it. The lines can be blurred because of how friendly he is. Yet do not let that deter you. When Sodapop is seriously interested, you can tell with the sparkle in those gorgeous, dreamy eyes of his.
° He gets your number with a smooth pick up line! He's also touchy since his love language is touch. Not inappropriately of course, but what you're comfortable with: Holding hands, his hand in your back pocket, an arm over your shoulder, etc. Sodapop is drawn to you like a fly is drawn to honey, but not obsessively. He knows the balance and picks up quickly what you are and aren't comfortable with.
° Asks you out or takes you to a party. His entire attention is on you. He wants to show people how much fun y'all are having. Sodapop is very direct, but he can also be coy. He likes a bit of a chase, but he carries himself with sweet gestures, yet flirtatious advances. He knows how to have you swooning over him in seconds.
Steve Randle:
° Oh boy, you're not prepared for Steve Randle. He's smooth asf and that wise cracking attitude either grates on your last nerves or makes you think he's slick enough to date. There's no in between, but whether you hate him or not at first, it doesn't matter, he somehow gets you to be fond of him soon.
° Soda is his wingman for sure, helping him feel better about himself. He gasses him up to you, which makes him feel less nervous about asking you out. He wants to make a good impression. Besides, Sodapop helps ease your nerves too! The bridge that causes you both to meet.
° Steve is more physical. He likes to have a hand on you at all times. He isn't shy at all, but he tows the line of respect very well. Only gets more dirty if you're into that kinda thing lmaoo.
° He's the type to wink at you and shit lol. It's actually not embarrassing or cheesy at all. Sometimes you'll look up from across the room at a party and he's half listening to Soda while he's getting your drinks. You catch him looking at you with those pretty blue eyes and he just winks in a way that makes your heart throb. You have to look away. It only makes him approach you, whispering, "Whatchu hidin' those pretty eyes from me for?" right into your ear as he hands you your drink.
Tim Shepard:
° He fights Dallas for the presidential spot of the "I Like You So I'm Gonna Be Mean to You Club" lmaoo. However he has a lot of charm. His handsomeness also helps. He's a ladies man after all! Tim is swooned after by many women, but he's got his eyes set on you.
° Once again, physical touch and flirty comments galore! It's the one time Tim is the most talkative. He is adventurous, pulling you in tow. He's eager on the inside, but smooth and mysterious on the outside. Everything you say and do he notices, he just might not make it apparent.
° Really observant so he knows quite quickly how to get you into his good graces. It's like a gift he has. He also is the type to tease you a little mercilessly when you've done something cute or whatever. He can't help it. Any excuse to get you even a little embarrassed without outright humiliating you gets a kick out of him. He enjoys it when you smack him playfully on the arm when he's made a dirty joke, because you're relaxed.
° Tim is the type to walk or drive you home. It's sort of sweet, but he just says he's going in that direction anyway lol. He usually isn't. He's a protective boyfriend, and wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he let you run off on your own and you got jumped. He's adamant about it too, and when he can't, he gets someone he trusts from his gang to walk you home.
Two-bit Matthews:
° Two does what he does best, which is to make you laugh. He loves to see and hear you smile and laugh. Bonus points if you're crying and wheezing! He enjoys someone that can have easy banter with. So the more that you poke fun back at him, the more he's gonna be into you.
° He's such a dork with his cheesy pickup lines. He has no shame, people! Two has the corniest jokes and lines, they make you roll your eyes and shake your head. He's so much fun to be around, because one moment you could be talking, the next you're swing dancing like no tomorrow! Absolute chaotic spontaneity.
° Puts up the charm, loving how you keep up with him. He's witty and likes witty people too! Two enjoys your sense of humour - even if it's a little quirky. He can do quirky without any trouble, just be warned he's got a dirty mouth, especially when drunk. So dirty jokes are definitely on the menu.
° Physically affectionate to the point where he may not get that he's going a bit overboard. He's not out to make you uncomfortable, but being boozed up all the time and not taking things so seriously can get in the way. But nothing funny I promise. Besides, I think Two-bit just likes to be around you so much anyway.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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