#he put harlan county's entire pussy into that speech
dyinglikeastar · 11 months
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“Now, Do you want us all to believe that Shelby here is a dishonest man because Black Pike tells us so? You think Shelby’s the only man in this room been done wrong by a coal mining company? Mr. Napier, everybody here knows that the only men The Company don’t do wrong are Company Men. And you stand up there with your slick haircut, you look down on Shelby because this man works for a living? You talk down to me because I’ve been in trouble with the law. Well, you know when that trouble began? Why don’t you ask your good friend Harvey Jones, he was there. He was on the line, when we struck out at Eastover, Brookside, Duke Power scabs, and gun thugs coming after us with bicycle chains and bats, trying to run us over in their cars. Now I know that you weren’t there, Mr. Napier. But there sure were a lot of men there who looked like you. Men standing on The Company side, laughing at all us hillbillies who were just trying to stand up for what we believed in. Now, I’m not saying you’re a bad man, Mr. Napier. That, I don’t know. But what I do know is that you’ve been feeding too long at the public trough. Now, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m gonna say no to the Company Men. I’m gonna say no to the lawmen who disrespect the rights of the people whose taxes pay for their salaries. And I’m gonna say no, I’m gonna say no, I’m gonna say no to sheriff Tillman Napier, who laughs in our faces as he makes money off our backs.” 
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