#he'll toughen her up and she'll soften him and warm his grizzly scarred heart and blah blah blah
technoturian · 2 months
Okay, I have to rant about the one thing about the Fallout show I just hated.
The Ghoul.
I'm sorry, I think he is the weakest character in this whole series. Believe me, it pains me to say it. When I saw in the trailer I was like, "Oh yes, a clever and charismatic, morally ambiguous rascal". I was expecting Boyd Crowder. I got a busted up Punisher/Deadpool mashup who stands out in the open, runs his mouth, then survives every scene only because every other character is made an idiot who can't shoot straight and is forced by the narrative to stand there dumbly, a captive audience to his monologues. His plot armor is ridiculous. He's just terribly written in my opinion.
Were it not for his screentime, his top billing and his flashbacks, he would just be a cartoonish secondary antagonist.
The thing about a good anti-hero/villain/whathaveyou is not knowing what they're going to do in any situation. I knew exactly what he was going to do every single time. Run his mouth, murder everyone in the scene, smirk, repeat. He's not morally gray. He's not complicated. He's not interesting.
And, I'll say something even more controversial, I don't even think he's that well written in his past life. Although I *did* enjoy the flashbacks leagues more than I did his post-apocalyptic self, he was kind of a plot device to get to their VaultTec conspiracy story more than he was a compelling character.
Also, his one funny line was the one in the trailer. I said it.
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