#hello late republic it has been. like. a week since you've appeared on my blog.
brother-emperors · 5 months
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Moreover, Caesar was not satisfied to be over­looked at first by Sulla, who was busy with a multitude of proscriptions, but he came before the people as candidate for the priesthood, although he was not yet much more than a stripling. To this candidacy Sulla secretly opposed himself, and took measures to make Caesar fail in it, and when he was deliberating about putting him to death and some said there was no reason for killing a mere boy like him
Plutarch, Caesar
sulla's fight with caesar is extremely funny, but also very Something considering how much of sulla you see reflected in caesar's later actions. breaking news: grown man picks fight with teenager, more at 11.
bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost
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