#honestly I'm already itchy when I read of the VKs being involved in sex and drugs and murder
silverloreley · 1 year
Would you be interested in a story that involves the Auradon kids and their lives at Auradon prep? I might you as there will be disturbing themes like drugs, cyber bullying, attempted suicide etc...
Here's a draft:
Life at Auradon
Chapter one draft
Anxelin waited anxiously for the bell to go off, so that she can leave this godforsaken class called Grammar.
“Who on earth named this class Grammar?” the Goth girl thought.
Anxelin carefully took out her phone from her khaki pants pocket, and turned on the phone to check the time, under the desk of course.
The time reads: 10:55 A.M.
Anxelin groaned softly. “Just 5 minutes left to leave this class. Why can’t it be now?”
The school year just started and the Goth princess already hates it. She wished she had the power to disappear from this class and appear either in her dorm room or at the Enchanted Lake where she can be more at peace.
Anxellin took a look at her work that was laid on the desk in front of her; an essay of how this year’s summer went for everyone. In addition, the teacher said that the essay should be grammatically correct.
To say Anxelin’s summer was bad would be an understatement. Over this past summer, Anxelin had to go back to summer school because she failed her physics exam in late May. Anxelin tried her best to explain herself to her parents that she studied and didn’t waste any time whatsoever. Also she never wanted to go summer school anyway but Rapunzel and Eugene insisted that she must go or else repeat her previous grade, to which Anxelin didn’t want but went anyways. She honestly had no idea how she failed and she studied hard for two weeks with her friends just to get a D on her exam result. Just perfect.
Anxelin quietly slid her phone back into her pants pocket before any nosy kid sees her with it because God forbid if someone saw Anxelin using her phone in class, they would report her and she would be sent to the Headmaster Godmother’s office. And Anxelin couldn’t bother to hear a long lecture about how you’re not supposed to use your phone during class, blah, blah, blah.
Geez, she only took out the phone because she wanted to check the time, as she forgot about her watch this morning due to rush. Give her a break.
Am I interested in what? Writing it? If I'll ever manage, I have in the works a full rewriting of the whole franchise which would respect the original movies that were crammed into Descendants in a rather incomprehensible way, their characters and how they’d realistically raise kids, but I have to finish a ton of other things first so I don’t know.
In reading it? Perhaps if I happened to be in the right headspace when I open one, but I'm very uncomfortable with themes like drugs and suicide when related to teens because of some events in my own teenage years, so I really don't like to relive such things or worse even in fiction, not to mention I usually find that a story on fairytale characters doesn’t really work well with such themes, not for me at least. Fairytales are already full of other issues and there’s more than enough material to work with.
Aside from that, which is my personal opinion, I encourage you to write whatever you want! You shouldn’t let your drive to write depend on the first arrived, you do you.
If you want my opinion on this bit you sent me, though, let me know. Mind you, I’m not soft when it comes to give writing advice and/or corrections (meaning I don’t sugarcoat it, which can come off as harsh), so if you don’t want criticism... well, not don’t ask me. Your pick.
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