#honestly if it's not Velannate I'll be disappointed
braincoins · 3 years
TIIIIIIIIIINY WIP Wednesday, sorry. Featuring Kiv teasing Velanna about Nate because it calms her (Kiv’s) nerves.
           Velanna came running up, in full Grey Warden uniform, pushing stray locks of hair back into place behind her ears.
           “Nathaniel could have done that for you,” she murmured quietly to her fellow Dalish.
           <<Shut up,>> came the reply in Elvish, even as she smiled nervously at the aravels moving past them. It lacked her usual venom, distracted as she was.
           Kiv chuckled a little. “He’s dying to, you know. Tuck some hair behind one of your ears. Hold you in his arms. Lean in close…”
           Without even looking at her, Velanna replied, <<I know you’re just doing this because you’re nervous, too, and that’s why I’m not setting you on fire.>>
           She snorted and shrugged. “You’re not wrong and neither am I. But,” as she dropped the subject and switched to one she deemed more important, “there has to be a reason they’re here. Something’s got to be wrong.”
           Velanna nodded. “I considered that.” She was back to speaking the common tongue. “But even so, just… just to have more Dalish around! N-not that… I’m beyond grateful for all the help you’ve been, and just to have another Dalish here, let alone in command! But…”
           <<I understand,>> she assured her.
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