#hope you don't mind me building off your theory a little waaa
snakedevour · 1 year
!! big kakegurui spoilers !!
there was a reblog on one of my recent posts positing that auntie tsugiko is the one that yumeko "ruined but felt no guilt for" and i think that's shaping up to be true also. yumeko probably flashed back to souko when asked about "if she feels guilt" as a semi-red herring (only semi as she was still intrinsically involved) to hide the existence of her aunt from the reader
my new tentative call is that the sequence of events goes like this:
tsugiko kills yumeko's mother -> tsugiko ruins souko -> yumeko ruins tsugiko
and persnaps yumeko doesn't really appreciate the gravity of ruining her aunt (she literally could've just not spoken up but she's clearly 'awakened' or whatever. that sounds dumb in a gambling manga but i can't think of better wording) - and already her concern doesn't seem to be her sister literally vomiting and fainting in front of her and she's instead accusing her of "being unfair." i suspect this'll come down to a mix of her literally being a child who just doesn't know things and the fact her ludomania has shifted her priorities.
at the end of the flashback arc i'll probably do a more in depth write up about how this all ties into the jabami name and the ouroboros imagery in their home ('jabami' meaning 'snake devourer' = snake eating itself = family continuously ruining itself / the jabamis are both the snake that devours and the snake that is eaten)
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