#hours later and I only just realised it should've been sunrise instead of sunset
abyssalfreefall · 2 years
Pairing: NOX/Chief (Female) Note: Contains spoilers from NOX's interrogation
She did not respond.
"Amber?" The Chief murmured a silent plea, but NOX was unresponsive.
"Amber, it's the sunset, look." Her caretaker pointed towards the blazing ball of fire slowly dipping into the sea, leaking colours of gold and orange into the tumbling waves.
"Amber, you've always loved the sunset, don't you?" Her visitor grimaced, then smiled, as though she had not hesitated before.
"Amber, I hope I've made you happy." The woman whose name she could not recall lowered her gaze onto her lap, as though to hide something. The colours of gold and orange soon brimmed in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.
That who was not due to be saved stopped speaking. Soon, the ocean became swallowed in the darkness of the night.
Amber never responded.
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