#i hate that twt's the only other viable art sharing platform. and it's the one that can't hold descriptions for sh/t
d11tse · 6 months
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yes i am aware that you wouldn't be able to puncture bones with a needle. i also Don't Care
anyway, i enjoy the idea of ink's emotion vials being more like needles instead of little potion things. it's almost like everytime he uses the needles, he gets a quick "high" from it upon injection, then is all like "alright let's get started fellas" while everyone's like wtf.. (they'll get used to it eventually)
i don't actually know if it'd work on other monsters/people. did comyet ever specify that? IDK. whatever's happening here is ink's last ditch effort to stop blueberror from being such a baby
of course, ink by @/comyet, berror by @/loverofpiggies
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