#i know for a fact there's more F2P friendly strats out there
rex101111 · 2 years
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Thought I’d share my cobbled together comp for the last 90+ node, its inefficient as shit and aggressively F2P unfriendly but I’m actually really proud of it since I came up with it almost completely on my own and its even fully stable and modifiable to an extent, anyway:
1, Double Castoria is best, but not mandatory. What you need it is a Castoria (probably from a friend) for the Arts buff and one other Support that can give 50 charge. Waver and Rienes are perfectly acceptable, but Skadi is not since Kiara will need a minimum of 50% by the last turn, and Skadi gives all her charge to one target.
2. A strong ST attacker. Koyo is there because I will literally take any and all excuses to use her, also she’s np2 so that helps, but you can basically use anyone that fits a few requirements:
a. Able to Np on the first turn. Here my Koyo has a maxed out starting NP append skill so I can use a non-mlp scope and just murk the first poor fucker in two clicks. On the next turn you charge your ST attacker back up to 100% and get rid of the second prick nice and easy. Any ST attack that can make up the charge difference on the first turn is a good pick if you don’t have Kscope or enough coins for the append, so Lancer Meiren or Saber Hokusai with their self charge, and others like them, can make up the difference pretty easily.
b. Damage. Yeah kinda obvious but whoever you chose has to be able to kill those first two guys with minimal or no help from your supports. So anyone who can buff themselves or has cracked damage by default fits in nicely. I’ve seen folks use Medea and the like. Go nuts!
3. The centerpiece of this mess of a comp is Summer Kiara. I managed an NP3 Kiara somehow so this might warp results a fair bit but hear me out because here comes the tricky part. You pop her first skill on turn 1, no matter what. After that depends on her skill levels or if you managed to give her the starting np append skill. 
Double Castoria gives Kiara 60% by turn 2, while Waver/Rienes gives her 50% when you fill up your ST servant. Depending on her skill bonus, her second skill can give anything from 30-50% NP charge. With the right combo of levels in her second skill and np append, you can pop her second skill on turn 1.
The trick is that if her starting np+charge from her second skill=AT LEAST 39%, (with Double Castoria) or 49% (with Castoria+Waver/Rienes) go for it. If not, wait till turn 2 or 3 depending on how much charge you can manage. Point is that, by turn 3, Kiara has to supply the remaining charge needed for the last wave. The earlier you can pop her second skill, the more bonus her third skill gets in turn 3. That’s the money maker.
4. On turn 3: Pop Skill 3, Stun the horse (counts as a mental debuff and Summer Kiara does extra damage depending on how many of those an enemy has), attack buff, give ‘em a bath, and walk away with your prizes. 
5. Two low rarity servants to carry the event CE of your choice and bond grind while you’re at it.
6. Can probably, probably work with any other AOE with good enough damage and a high enough self charge. Maybe. Arjuna Alter might work, because he usually does, but I don’t have him so I wouldn’t know. Also a boosted Saber (and I do mean The Saber) also works cause, ya know, lancers. If you can wrangle them into a 40-50% before help and still manage to do enough damage you’re probably golden. Probably. Maybe. Don’t quote me on that.
Good luck with those boxes everyone!
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