#i know that reposting art can be anything between outright theft to genuinely trying to draw attention to an artist's work
phantastus · 1 year
MAN this is frustrating-- the slog of cleaning up my whole archive continues, but I’ve discovered that a since-defunct blog that used to post TONS of incredible and (most importantly) thoroughly-sourced and credited  contemporary art apparently became the victim of some kind of mass copyright-claim, because 90% of the photography and art is gone and the blog is deleted.
All of this stuff was amazing and there were ALWAYS links to the artists (frequently their own portfolios and websites, so that business could be funneled their way) or public articles about the exhibitions/galleries/etc that the art was featured in.
Maybe it’s just my inner archivist/art historian but the temptation to just gather up all the stuff that got nuked and draft up new, even more thorough posts showcasing the artists is nigh unbearable.
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