#i won't publish anymore so as not to completely flood the timeline with this
not-so-rosyyy · 1 year
the thing that particularly ticked me off with that ask is the way they tried to frame it in the context of sexism just to have a gotcha moment, directly accusing us of not being supportive of a woman just because some of us *checks notes* find a man attractive? are excited to see him be in front of cameras looking good after a long time? like, IS THAT NOT WEIRD? I have to wonder how shallow your concept of feminism is to even go that route.
and to even say that about us here--people who literally start discourses about misogyny and misogynoir and the journey and struggles of a WOC in hollywood everytime someone even breathes her way wrong--is just straight up dumb. like they really thought they did something there and they just ended up sounding the dumbest fuck in my inbox (and i've had a lot of dumb fucks in there during the past week to last me a lifetime).
like, please. enough with the fake outrage. read a book or watch movies and documentaries and reflect on your own understanding of gender inequality discourse in a real world setting instead of hiding behind a grey blob with sunglasses and going around tumblr blogs pretending to sound smart.
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