#idk i'd like to extend this au out a liiiiitle bit more even tho the ccs i watch are very limited lmfao
brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
Tiny workers au! Do you have any idea of how Wilbur/sbi meet Tommy/benchtrio and what point Tommy is nommed willingly lmao and not some random kid. And maybe some conflict between the customers (SBI/Dream) the Tinies and the boss? Maybe he got one of those reviews and is punishing Tommy through noms, some trauma for the poor lad </3
okay SO
i'm changing my original plans for this au just a tiiiny bit :))
wilbur and tommy meet for the first time in the minigolf au. i reeeally like the trope where a sad depressed giant slowly just becomes significantly more mentally stable when a certain tiny comes around.
wil's family is very concerned for wilbur's health. he's been cooped up in his apartment not talking to anyone, so naturally they come up with a way to get him out. phil (or tech) gets him a one day ticket to the park, and basically being guilt tripped into it with the 'it was so expensive' and 'do it for us' shit, he forced himself to go.
eventually he settled on doing minigolf, somehow ending up with tommy as his tiny (i know how, but i want to keep some things a secret :])
as for emeraldduo meeting tommy, i'm not sure yet. maybe wilbur brings the tiny home one day and finds that his family is just chilling around his apartment lmao,,,,,, it would definitely give secondhand embarrassment depending on how i write it but i can give it a shot :D
i love love love using a stomach as punishment/timeout so YES that is absolutely happening. but, before that happens, i want wil to nom him at least a few times. and there is a reason why. i want tommy's comfort level around humans to be very high after he meets wilbur, and maybe even sbi & some other regulars. (pls give me ideas for more regulars,,, i'm thinking about maybe aimsey for ranboo? :0) he's naturally calmed down and shit so, even if he's a little bit hesitant or even frightened to willingly be eaten, he still goes through with it because he knows that humans are typically not bad people, especially not wil. then he gets nommed by another person, maybe dream or someone else.
all this trust he builds with the humans kinds of overrides his memory of the bad humans, like his boss. he's so used to being relaxed and himself around the customers that he forgets that he still very much needs to tiptoe around one particular human. even beeduo and the other tiny workers in some other locations are a bit worried about his sudden lack of fear, trying to remind him that he needs to take it down a notch before something bad happens.
and guess what? he doesn't take it down a notch, and something bad happens!! >:D
his cocky attitude comes out around strangers, especially kids who mishandle him. or ladies who are overly-curious. and people who hear it both first-hand, second-hand, or from a distance, take a situation without context and makes it a big deal, sending in complaints.
and of course, because his boss is an asshole, he goes chomp :D (not literally, tommy is physically fine for the most part)
tommy gets cocky around his boss (i'm thinking it'll be sam,, so don't mind me if i start using that name instead of boss asjfdnf) and truly lets himself forget just how dangerous these people can be. and when every single boundary of his shatters to the ground, tommy knows he fucked up :D
idk tw vore but there's so much of that here anyway lmfao,,,,
it starts with the fact that sam is everything but gentle. nothing he does is slowed or respectful. he's swept from the counter without warning and engulfed in a tight fist, where he's risen to a face too close for comfort that bares unusually sharp teeth, and is tossed into the moist maw that no longer feels comforting but instead feels incredibly uncomfortable and claustrophobic. then, to add to that, there's only a small moment where he sits on sam's tongue before he's thrown back into his throat and swallowed. the lack of saliva on him makes it difficult to go down and he's stuck in the thin gullet for longer than he wants to be. into the storage that has a significant lack of air in it, where he spends much longer than he needs to in there. and to make matters somehow worse, he's awake the entire time, extremely hyperaware :)
needless to say that his next encounter wilbur is nothing but fear C:<
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