#ie there is no leader without the herd's acceptance of that leader
divinekangaroo · 27 days
everyone like 'tommy shelby gets sorted into slytherin so cunning so machiavelleique oo la la'
nope it's hufflepuff
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ancientbrit · 3 years
Natter #4    7/4/2020
MI MG Natter #4  4th July 2020I hope you all have had a happy fourth - all fingers still attached and tummies filled. Pickle seems to be getting used to the bangs this year, or perhaps he is a little deaf. Usually, at the first bang, he disappears and hides under my bed. This time he has wandered upstairs and downstairs and doesn't seem to register the bangs much at all - which is good.
I am in contact with a guy back home who runs a regular allotment (PeaPatch here) blog, giving timely advice and other information related mostly to veggie & fruit culture. I find this very helpful as he jogs my memory on those extremely rare occasions when I forget. I know you think that I never forget, but I have to admit that there has been the occasional lapse ever since I stopped eating peanuts. Strange thing that. His words for July remind us that this month is the time to sow seeds for Fall and Winter veggie crops such as Chicory (does anybody actually grow this?), Chinese Cabbage, Kohl Rabi, Lettuce, French Beans, Beetroot, Carrots, Radish, Turnips, and Peas - pick early varieties - early Snow peas are an especially fast to crop
.If you have had the forethought to already start Leeks from seed, now is the time to plant out those starts. The easiest way to do this is to use an old broomstick handle and thrust it vertically into the soil to a depth of about 5-6".Just drop the seedlings carefully, roots first into the holes and then just water in - that's all you need to do. The water will wash soil from the sides of the holes down onto the roots and it will remain cool and moist enough to thoroughly root the seedlings well. The idea of doing it this way, apart from the ease of planting and gaining support from the sides, is that the hole blanches the stem of the leek as it grows to gain more usable parts of the plant. If they are kept reasonably moist they should grow quite rapidly through the Summer and be ready to make fabulous potato-leek soup in time to keep cold days at bay. If you have never eaten P-L soup accompanied by chunks of Crusty artisan bread generously spread with butter - you haven't lived. Food of the Gods this! If you have been growing spuds and have lifted them already, you can follow with a crop of French beans to both nourish yourself and the soil, or if beans aren't your thing try a green manure crop such as Mustard. However, bear in mind that if you have ever had Club Root on your cabbage family plants, do not use Mustard as it is also a brassica. Use one of the Pea family, both for the Nitrogen root boost, but also for the foliage. And now for something completely different:- Once more my friend Valerie Robertson has presented her view on things English on the other side of the pond and is sent all over the world.
Val is a very  highly qualified State Registered Nurse who knows whereof she speaks.
Here we go.
From: Valerie Robertson GAG 14 Hope all is well with all. All Quiet in the Western Front over this way. Seattle’s CHOP was liberated leaving an appalling mess The pubs are open  today so the protesters have disappeared. BLMUK. is proving to be an embarrassment to those who donated, bent the knee and supported a cause that advocates the abolition of the nuclear family (that means dad is superfluous), defund the police,  destroy capitalism and support censorship plus the necessity for every white person to acknowledge that they are all subconsciously racist and privileged, and own up to the “fact” that every institution is inherently racist and disproportionally  White supremacy managed. That’s a big ask, which has bewildered the millionaire black footballers, academics & artists,   Labour leader Sir Keith what’s his name, (why would a Labour leader accept a knighthood?)  and all the national institutions taking the knee, which the other men in the street saw, as bowing to street fighter activists outrageous demands. Ie supporting racial divide and suppressing diversity of opinions and abolishing history. Our moral leader Canterbury Arch Runcton, is also confused. He’s a woke bloke that got it wrong at Easter. Streaming his Easter service from his kitchen with his toaster in the background. For God's sake, he must have a parlour with a row of books as a backdrop, in his palatial abode. He’s now having a think about the effigies in the Cathedral and wondering which ones to get rid of. Should he paint Jesus black?  Jesus loves all the children of the world, be they yellow, black or white. What about the brown ones?  They were precious in His sight too? He’s going to need a lot of colours. The Bournemouth beach sunbathing nutters are bright pink still. The Cambridge academia have just funded a two-year study into the history of slavery to enable the oiks to confront their iniquitous past and say sorry to all offended by history. Waste of time, as it’s been done before, over and over and you can’t change it. I’ve got a better idea for them to study.   Research the Benin bronzes. There are 3,OOO of them but only 500 left in Nigeria, the rest in Europe and USA museums. They are exquisite. The Portuguese kicked off the Atlantic slave trade in 1400 from the port of Benin with gold, which the Africans turned into these fantastic plaques, I think but not sure. I’m too busy doing my epidemic virus studies to go to the British Museum and find out. And we are not allowed yet, to visit Portugal unless keen enough to fly to Spain and walk across the border to check up on the museum artifacts in Lisbon. It’s good to see Lewis Hamilton constructively addressing inequality in the motor racing world.  The aggrieved black community can be placated and inspired by their own incredibly successful race if they listen. We have diversity, we have opportunity, we have laws, education, healthcare, social services, state welfare funding and overall, a tolerant multicultural society, who are very tired of the woke politically-correct champagne socialists agenda over the last decade.  There are deep social and economic injustices which are nothing to do with slavery or racial prejudice. Lewis Hamilton lives in Monte Carlo to save paying a hefty U.K. income tax liability. He was raised in Stevenage and lived in a council house with his family partially supported by the welfare state. Is he a philanthropist who promotes the welfare of others by donating money for schools etc.? No he’s not if he’s a British citizen tax evader. Is he a Monacoan now.? Is he a hypocrite? I don’t know?  Perhaps the academics can ask the uni students to research,  write a paper and make up their own minds. Estate agents will not in future be using Master Bedroom in their ads. Connotations of slave masters etc. Uncle Bens rice is to be repackaged without the jolly black man, Aunt Jemima also and awaiting more news re. MasterCard, Master chef, Master Mind, Headmaster ( the lefty teachers union still keeping schools shut) Masters degree, a tricky one for Cambridge. We are living with the virus and hanging in with our self-imposed restrictions and socially distancing. The copper masks and latex gloves worked a treat when John needed to visit the GP surgery for a blood test to check prostate antigen level insomuch not coughing. Although London has seen a slight rise in the R rate, no doubt due to the mass protests, the infection rate remains stable and patients being more successfully treated with drugs, to avoid intensive care. The disproportionate ethnic infection rate is due to blood group, genetic disparity, and body mass ratio, and a difference in the percentage of T cells. These cells decline with age and are responsible for fighting off infection without causing a major auto-immune response. People past 65, have very few left.   This theory explains why the young can come in contact with the virus but don’t succumb, however, if repeatedly exposed will catch it and manufacture antibodies and can still remain asymptomatic. Mass testing suggests that 40 percent of the population has been exposed with few symptoms, the silent spreaders who have the herd immunity. So we know the virus is still around and can’t trust the idiots to self-isolate if positive. All we can hope for is that they wear a mask and keep away from the elderly. Once the herd immunity and those who have recovered from it reach 60 percent, providing the medically vulnerable and fatties avoid it, the virus will find no host, cannot, therefore, multiply and shed and theoretically die away.  So it’s a balance. As the months go on there is hope for more preventive medication to alleviate the symptoms and of course a vaccine. Last October, the WHO  found that U.K. and USA  were the best in the world prepared for a pandemic.  Cameron had placed an order for millions of PPE equipment with a French company with the deposit to fund the manufacturer to make it.  By the time U.K. needed it, we got the deposit refunded but the stocks were needed in France and they had sold some items at a higher price,  to Italy.  That’s Globalisation for you and the free market. Meanwhile, a couple who were distilling boutique gin in the midlands, altered their equipment to distill hand sanitizers and viral cleansing fluids as NHS  were buying it in from abroad at an inflated price. They now supply the NHS cheaply and in the past 12 weeks have made 30 million pounds profit. Well done as they are donating a substantial amount to Covid research. No doubt as a tax saving incentive, but still commendable. There’s a lot to be said for self-reliance.  The govt. with its 80 strong SAGE - the Scientific, Advisory Government Epidemic advisors, have caused the pandemonium. At the outset, the models and graphs predicting the scale have been proved wrong. Simple precautions were overlooked.  Emptying geriatric wards, filling up care homes with staff untrained in infection control was scandalous. Mask wearing should have been made compulsory on public transport, supermarkets and shops at the outset and at least some sort of temperature checking and contact tracing at airports and ferries. So, onto local lockdowns and long term containment.  Boris is getting on with Brexit and left Hanlon to contain the virus,  Hope the strategy works. I have faith in the laboratory’s scientists and the trials and the guinea pigs testing the emerging vaccines. Meanwhile, tomatoes coming along, being well-nourished and in good shape and we are up to four playing again at croquet. Sainsbury delivering without hassle and Miles and Giles still surprising me with a tablespoon of Baharat in a nifty environment-friendly container. It made the lamb taste different. The kennels are open but missed the boat as all the  rescue dogs are  adopted and long waiting lists for puppies.
A dog called Nigger, I imagine a black or brown Labrador,  who was loved and died in 1878, had a headstone in the animal cemetery in a Sussex village graveyard. The local stonemason has ground away the name as the villagers thought it might cause offence to visitors and that dog’s owners would understand as they were dead anyway and not around to ask permission. Just love kind people. The drought's over and it’s cool as we are and hope you are too. Take care Love from Val And from your fearless leader,Gordon
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Assimilating into a madhouse. Equals accepting insanity as normal behavior
The Conquerer does not share his spoils with the conquered. Yet the black folks (neo-liberal negroes) who are "lucky" or should I say hand-picked to be on mainstream media platforms supposedly talking about the welfare and future of our people are desperately trying to assimilate into a sociopathic structure, created and governed by sociopaths. The fact that these "founding fathers" aka sociopaths have preyed on the minds and bodies of Afrikan Americans for centuries. Yet somehow they think can assimilate and somehow gain control of this open air mental asylum simply thru voting is absolutely crazy. The "founding fathers" and their descendants turned Native Americans, HUMAN BEINGS into an endangered species in their native land. And these so-called best of the best professional black "leaders" think they can overcome that with the power of love and compassion. How has that been working out?
The Founding Sociopaths created and benefited off of generational wealth from the slavery of Afrikan bodies in America. And their wealthy descendants are still creating and benefitting from this generational wealth off of the inhumane bondage of Afrikan "American" bodies. Just raking in billions of dollars to this day off our backs IE rap music. We created it. They control it. 
These neo-liberal negro "progressive" talking heads who populate the 24 hour news cycle, predictably run with this narrative constantly, without even acknowledging that you run the risk of becoming the thing you were railing about in the beginning. You risk becoming a sociopath cloaked in brown skin. These mainstream talking heads love bringing up the 4.9 trillion dollars we have as a people in spending capital. Yet we have no true power. We don't own or control large swaths of land, do not control any form of infrastructure, economics, politics, education and have no true nationhood. If we used that money we could have built a couple of independent nation states away from this madhouse. So-called "black leadership" doesn't even mention Land, Infrastructure, nationhood, economics, or S.T.E.M.
We have a small segment of black people unknowingly masquerading as white supremacists killing each other fighting over corners they do not own selling narcotics that were cultivated in foreign lands and "mysteriously" ends up in our communities. Killing each other with weapons manufactured, say in the American Midwest. But, somehow end up in our urban communities.  
We have a bunch of people masquerading as black people fomenting white supremacy ideology talking points, sitting in so-called political positions of "power" yet do not advocate for their own people but advocate for everyone else. Constantly following the bidding of their neo-liberal counterparts, repeating THEIR neo-liberal counterparts talking points word for word. And try to convince us that this is powerful black power rhetoric. Straight insanity.
They don't have any power to enact policies to uplift the African American community. They represent the falsehood of diversity in America. 435 members in the Congress and only 48 of them are black. 100 members in the Senate only 3 of them are black. Shamelessly supporting dead end Democratic Incremental Austerity driven Crumb Theory policies. The majority of players in the NFL are black. 31 of the 32 owners in the NFL are white. The majority of head coaches, co-ordinators, assistants, trainers, GM's and team presidents are white. Same thing in the NBA. 30 teams, 1 black owner. The same break down in the NBA, MLB and the NHL with staff and upper management.
These politicians have specific TACTICS they use. Primarily identity politics alongside strategic fear and emotional tactics, sheepherding black folks into voting for Crumb Theory fantasies and EMPTY rhetoric/policies. Nothing more than black faces in high places. Specifically handpicked, vetted and appointed black "leaders" They use this old tired sheep-herding tactic. We're going to have a discussion, A DISCUSSION about reparations. We are long past the discussion phase. That bill is WAY overdue. A 494 year old bill. Celebrating symbolic "victories." Truth be told symbolic victories are hollow. Like eating chocolate cake. Taste good and feels good when your eating it . That feeling quickly dissipates once the cake is gone. 
Bottom line if the civil rights movement was so groundbreaking and was THEE game changer for Afrikan "Americans." Why do Afrikan "Americans" need a voting rights bill, or a civil rights bill. Or in the midst of damn near daily protest about police violence against Afrikan "Americans" Why are cops still assaulting and killing unarmed Afrikan "American" men, women and children? If the civil rights movement was the endgame solution for Afrikan "Americans" I wouldn't have to write this. And the so-called "black leadership" wouldn't be discussing the same old topics that have been affecting us over and over for DECADES. 
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