#if you stay i can't do the job in september wtf am i supposed to do then!!! aaaaaAAAAA
liebelesbe 1 year
you know it's time to go to bed when.
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bulundu 2 years
Plotting out my plans for new job searching when and why. I'd put a read more, but I honestly have no idea how these days lol.
As it turns out, I get a weeks vacation after my prior promotion - which no one told me about until after summer ended and after my family returned to work and only after much prodding for information on my benefits. 馃檭
So. By NOW after everyone who already KNEW they got a vacation scheduled theirs... my vacation is set for the last week of September into October. A nice time of year.
Apparently the next promotion to manager is happening within the next couple weeks (they keep pushing it back, AGAIN, of course, but supposedly). So, I will have that for my resume by the time the vacation comes and goes.
AND THEN I MUST.. stick to my guns and find a new job. I can't keep just having one day off a week, it's killing me. And they schedule me for nights so much at this point it's like, wtf don't I just get a factory night shift job for like, 6 more bucks an hour. Like I'll take anything at this point.
And not to mention... I am not allowed to actually even be friends with coworkers. I am not exaggerating, we are not supposed to be friends or hang out after work. And the only benefit of this job? I met my best friend. I love him dearly and he's as miserable as I am there. I will not let him stay after I leave and I will not stay if he goes. We plan to leave around the same time - once our vacations are done in October and we find new work. We may even try to get the same job together. We'll see.
And then there's dating. If you can't be friends, you certainly can't date. And I don't want to date. But I do royally want to fuck this dude from work, and once I'm gone, I just may give the invitation lmao
So many reasons to leave. Dick is only one of them.
Jokes aside, though. I have to keep in mind that I need to leave. When I'm there, it can be easy to fall into this mindset that it's not that bad and I like most of the people and I am very good at it, what if I'm not that good at a new job... But I am leaving. I am not happy. And I will be a hard worker anywhere I go, so a worthwhile job will recognize that. And even if they don't, if they offer more money who cares?
Hold me to it, guys. I will leave this job. I will find a better job. I will suck and or fuck that guy from work. I will be best friends with my buddy even after we have new jobs. Hold me to it!
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winds--of--change 7 years
Lazy Bun: Need to finish transcribing that Gisela interview one at least by end of Friday, before I go skiing next week. Any help? T_T
Nerd: Just do it.
Lazy Bun: Easy for you to say, you are not the one doing it.
Nerd: And if I were, it would be done by now.
Lazy Bun: Man but the HIMYM show is so goood! Season 7 now, finally, I am catching up you know.
Nerd: Ok, as you understand, YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO GO SKIING UNLESS YOU FINISH GISELA INTERVIEW BY THE END OF FRIDAY RIGHT? And please know both UK Interviews must be transcribed completely in two weeks from now. Man and please don't forget, dear you still have those Myanmar interviews some of which are probably more of a pain to deal with than these two short ones, at least they are short, common, those Myanmar ones are like more than one hour long, how are you gonna finish them or at least some of them before going back home for holiday at the end of this April?????
Lazy Bun: ...
Nerd: Kick your ass off and get some work done yo. What the fuck.
Lazy Bun: Well.... I know I will certainly get it done exactly on the deadlines I set you know. Always so. Even if there are multiple procrastinations and all interventions, what need be done by the time it need be done, I will make it done. Cheers.
Nerd: Good for you. I'm counting on that then. Hope I won't see you come back here moaning 'Shit I haven't finished, and I am going skiing soon, no, how can I go skiing now, I have no time, I need to finish deadlines, shit I have to give that up, oh no, shit-
Lazy Bun: Just stop, I get it. Don't go on. Please.
Nerd: Just saying.... Well it was a good show though. HIMYM. Been a while seeing you laugh things of so hard like this, certainly keep your mind from wandering of in some lunatic obsessive imagination, delusion and thoughts about... a certain someone.
Lazy Bun: Man fuck you. Don't even mention.
Nerd: Oh yeah true. Oops. It's fun to fuck you up though. Haha.
Lazy Bun: HAHA. Not funny. Anyway. I shall go back to HIMYM then.
Nerd: .... Then what's the fuck am I here for? WTF. You want me come out to knock some sense of yours back to do the fucking RA job no?
Lazy Bun:... No-t really. I just miss you and wanna have some little chat lmao
Nerd: Fuck you.
Lazy Bun: Because as I said, I am gonna finish it exactly when I want it to be done you know. Sooner or later lol
Nerd: Man but if you wanna go skiing next week, better not to keep yourself rush in last minutes and having no time to just chill.
Lazy Bun: Nah I will manage it well. All I need to do this week is the Gisela one anyway, then Bradshaw next week.
Nerd: WHILE applying those jobs you found last night remember?
Lazy Bun: .... O-hhhh... oh yeah!
Nerd: .... Someone, please shoot her.
Lazy Bun: What lol it's fine. I will do it along the way. Ok so two interviews while applying those jobs in two weeks, Skiing in between, painting for the wall, what else?
Nerd: It's April coming, hello, you need plan for that trip back home, man Cambodia, should you?
Lazy Bun: Dunno. Never been there. So travelling is good. We both know we wouldn't wanna get stuck with Mom, just Mom, for such significant amount of time yeah?
Nerd: Then don't fucking book such long holiday.
Lazy Bun: It's cheap tickets, can't be helped, only 3man1 you know, can you even find a better deal than that????
Nerd: Why even going home at all?! You are supposed to find a fucking job in Japan.
Lazy Bun: Of course I will find one, that's why I should go home visiting family while I still have chance you know. Because who knows, after that I will be busy with work and everything and less and less time spent with family. After all, family matters most, it's been over a year, I should be home at least once a year.
Nerd: Man don't expect and then in the end you really can't find any job in Japan and go back home for good, then you would realise, man fuck, I can't stand being home lol
Lazy Bun: I already have a feeling I can't stand being home for more than one week when going back this April. Thanks for fast forwarding the emotion.
Nerd: Just fucking get a job. WORK WORK AND WORK. Sedentary mode kills your brain and creativity you know.
Lazy Bun: Erm....technically I am still working....right now.
Nerd: Freelance yeah. That's why you have no strong self-discipline to fucking complete the tasks. You need those strict structured systemized Japanese companies to shape you up into concrete you know, to discipline you hard, you are just too free.
Lazy Bun: SO free, but not "too" free, anything "too" is just unacceptable. Now it's still...erm... acceptable lol And honestly, I will be ready when it's time for me to be ready.. For now, come on, Youth is short, you cannot do crazy stupid things forever you know, now is the best time to enjoy the beauty of our youth. Besides, I already set it, this September would be the time. Till then, I am enjoying ...erm...gap year lol not like I'm not making money to support myself you know...
Nerd: Dude but the visa thing you know, you need visa to stay.
Lazy Bun: ....I understand, man the 'third-world' problem in 'first-world' country...ah Life... (=.=) but anyway I'm going back also because, who knows, I might just feel like it's time going back and settling down back home. Anyway yeah, just open to all options, I am free. I can live my own life.
Nerd: I kinda...doubt that.
Lazy Bun: In any case, the purpose of this whole conversation is just about my assurance that 'I'm gonna finish these interviews by my set deadlines for sure and going skiing still, so that is why I shall continue watching HIMYM now' lol
Nerd: Fine. I wish you not go overnight or exhausting yourself for meeting deadlines because you leave things last minutes to do as usual lol Good luck with all. Cheers.
Lazy Bun: Oh come on. Shouldn't be that bad. I have been more and more balanced nowadays you know.
Nerd: Y-eahhh...
Lazy Bun: Everything works out in the end. I will be fine ^^
Nerd: Bye.
Lazy Bun: LOL how supportive haha ok I can do it! Cheers ^^
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